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At this time, the two-headed snake was very close to them, and a shadow even appeared above their heads.

Mo Junlan was not in a hurry, his posture was chic and calm, with a wicked arc on the corner of his lips. While avoiding Han Yuanxi's attack, he kicked Han Yuanxi to the ground.

Han Yuanxi fell to the ground and couldn't help but scream. He also subconsciously reached out to cover his abdomen, which was extremely painful from Mo Junlan's kick, and his forehead was sweating.

This scene happened too quickly, and everyone had no time to react.

When they came back to their senses again, they saw that Han Yuanxi had been kicked to the ground by Mo Junlan.

The attack of the two-headed snake was about to fall on Han Yuanxi.

At this time, a figure flew by and rescued Han Yuanxi.

Mo Junlan glanced and saw that the person who rescued Han Yuanxi was Chu Yunhai.

"Mind your own business!" Mo Junlan said coldly.

Chu Yunhai frowned, looked up at Mo Junlan, and said, "I wonder what great hatred you have with Mr. Han that you want to kill him?"

"I don't like him, and this reason is enough to make him die ten thousand times." Mo Junlan stood with his hands behind his back, his black robe fluttering in the wind, his voice low but revealing a coldness that could not be ignored.

"You want to kill someone just because you don't like him? Are you a demon?" Qin Mengxuan looked up at Mo Junlan, her tone full of displeasure.

"Yes... He must be a demon..." Han Yuanxi, who came to his senses, immediately pointed at Mo Junlan and said loudly.

Everyone's face changed when they heard this, and they all looked at Mo Junlan vigilantly.

Those who choose to join the demon path are the existence that everyone can kill in the Southern Spiritual Region.

"Brother Junlan, do you want to kill them?" Lingxiao's voice suddenly sounded in Mo Junlan's mind, his tone was full of cold murderous aura, and he was obviously very unhappy.

"Since they say I'm a demon, then what's wrong with my cruel methods?" Mo Junlan replied to Lingxiao with his spiritual sense.

Lingxiao couldn't help but feel a little excited when he heard what Mo Junlan said.

He is a sword, and killing is his instinct.

"Hand over the spirit essence and earth fire, and I can spare your life." Li Chi said to Mo Junlan.

Mo Junlan looked down at them, curled his lips, and said, "I don't want to waste time, you guys do it together."

"We have no intention of making enemies with you, but we just hope that you can talk things over properly." Chu Yunhai bowed his hands seriously.

"Weren't you the first to call for killing?" Mo Junlan sneered, "Why are you pretending to be a gentleman? It's disgusting to look at you."

"Shut up, Miss." Qin Mengxuan's face changed immediately after hearing this, and she said angrily, "How dare you talk to Brother Chu like this? Are you tired of living?"

"Miss Qin..." Chu Yunhai was interrupted by Qin Mengxuan before he finished speaking.

"Brother Chu, you don't have to say anything else. I'll take care of this matter." Qin Mengxuan took two steps forward, looked up at Mo Junlan's figure, and said in a somewhat arrogant tone, "My grandfather is the dean of the middle school of Guangming Academy. Do you know what this means?"

The name of Guangming Academy is much more famous in Nanlingyu than the Han family and the Formation Guild.

Mo Junlan was speechless. Why do these people like to use their identities to threaten others?

Looking at Qin Mengxuan's appearance, Chu Yunhai also had a headache.

"Besides using your status to threaten people, do you have anything else to do?" Mo Junlan couldn't help but sneer.

"We have this noble status, why don't we use it?" Li Chi sneered.

"You have a point." Mo Junlan raised his hand and touched his chin.

Li Chi listened to Mo Junlan's words, and a hint of arrogance suddenly appeared on his face.

Mo Junlan looked at Li Chi's appearance, and the corners of his mouth couldn't help twitching, and he couldn't help but say, "Idiot!"

"What?" Li Chi didn't react for a while, he just thought Mo Junlan was already scared.

"I think..." Mo Junlan crossed his arms around his chest, raised the corners of his lips, and said with a smile, "You really look like an idiot."

Everyone, "..."

Li Chi couldn't help but turn green and red when he heard Mo Junlan's words, anyway, it was extremely ugly.

"Li Chi, are you just going to let him humiliate you like this?" Han Yuanxi suddenly said.

"And you..." Mo Junlan raised his eyebrows, pointed at Han Yuanxi, and said with a curled lip, "Compared to an idiot, I think you are more suitable to be a dead person."

Hearing this, Han Yuanxi's face was gloomy again. If eyes could kill, he would have cut Mo Junlan into pieces.

Li Chi's mood unexpectedly improved when he heard Mo Junlan's words again. He turned to Han Yuanxi and said with a smile, "Han Yuanxi, he has humiliated you like this, can you still continue to endure it? You don't want to be a turtle, do you?"

Han Yuanxi's face was gloomy, his eyes glared at Li Chi, and he gritted his teeth and said, "Don't be too proud. I can't get the earth fire and spiritual essence, and you can't get them now."

Li Chi's expression froze immediately.

"Hey, who are you?" Qin Mengxuan said to Mo Junlan, "I don't think I have seen you before when I entered the Xuanwu Secret Realm."

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