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Mo Junlan glanced at Shangguan Hao calmly, and said calmly, "My sword is shy, so it doesn't want to come out for the time being."

Lingxiao, "..."

"What are you kidding?" Shangguan Hao couldn't help but twitch his mouth.

"I'm not kidding." Mo Junlan's expression remained unchanged, and he said calmly, "I am a good master, and I never force my sword to do something he doesn't want to do."

Lingxiao's cheeks couldn't help but turn slightly red when he heard this.

Shangguan Hao, "..."

"Can you shut up first? Dealing with the blood-eyed demon bat is the most important thing now." Luo Xi couldn't help but say angrily.

Among these students, he has already seen that only Mo Junlan and Shangguan Hao have the strongest combat power.

As for Lingxiao, because he had hidden his strength before, his performance would not seem as good as Mo Junlan's.

"What a bad temper." Mo Junlan curled his lips.

"Brother Junlan, you don't have to listen to him." Lingxiao now dislikes Luo Xi.

"Actually, I didn't intend to listen to him." Mo Junlan smiled.

Luo Xi was so angry that he blew his beard and glared.

However, Mo Junlan and Lingxiao continued to deal with the blood-eyed demon bat, and the tacit understanding between them also surprised countless people present.

Mo Junlan turned around, his white clothes fluttering in the wind, and Lingxiao was opposite him.

They simultaneously shot out countless sword qi, and then, the sharp sword qi scraped the blood-eyed demon bat's body, causing it to drop a bunch of black feathers.

Then, as expected, the blood-eyed demon bat became even more angry.

The blood-eyed demon bat suddenly roared, flapping its huge wings at the same time, and a strong wind suddenly arose around it. People with lower strength were knocked down by the strong wind, and then they vomited blood.

Mo Junlan and Lingxiao were also knocked back several meters away.

In this situation, Lingxiao obviously couldn't return to the sword in public, but Mo Junlan could still use the Lingxiao Sword to fight the enemy, but without the sword spirit in it, it couldn't exert its maximum power.

"Brother Junlan, take out the sword." Lingxiao suddenly said to Mo Junlan.

Mo Junlan nodded and summoned the Lingxiao Sword.

However, the current Lingxiao Sword did not emit colorful light because there was no sword spirit in it.

Lingxiao's eyes moved, and then turned and flew towards Mo Junlan, while communicating with Mo Junlan with his spiritual sense, saying, "Brother Junlan, I will now input all the spiritual energy absorbed from the spiritual vein of Guangming Academy into the sword."

Mo Junlan did not object to Lingxiao's approach. Even if Lingxiao didn't say it, he would let Lingxiao do it.

Even if the spiritual energy was input into the sword, it would have no effect on Lingxiao's spiritual body. At most, the power that could be used would be less.

After Lingxiao input the spiritual energy into the sword, Mo Junlan fought with the blood-eyed demon bat with the sword, and Lingxiao was always beside him. The distance between them never exceeded two meters.

If it didn't work, Lingxiao would protect Mo Junlan even if his identity was exposed.

And Lingxiao also transformed a long sword in his hand, which was very similar to his body.

To outsiders, the sword in Mo Junlan's hand and the sword in Lingxiao's hand were obviously a pair.

Shangguan Hao couldn't help but turn his head to look at the sword in Mo Junlan's hand. For some reason, he felt a little strange. The power of the sword seemed to have weakened?

Mo Junlan flew up, his white clothes fluttering, his face was cold and indifferent, his eyes were cold, he raised his hand, and swept the long sword forward. Suddenly, countless sword qi appeared out of thin air, like a thousand-foot light, making it impossible to open your eyes.

Lingxiao took the opportunity to move and used the same moves as Mo Junlan, but his power seemed to be smaller.

The attack landed on the blood-eyed demon bat at the same time, and instantly made its head bald again.

"This image is quite funny." Mo Junlan couldn't help laughing.

Lingxiao, "..."

Seeing this, the others also attacked the blood-eyed demon bat again.

"My premonition was indeed correct." Mo Junlan raised his eyebrows and curled his lips, "Now there is really a fierce battle."

"Brother Junlan, we can't seem to win like this." Lingxiao couldn't help but said with some distress.

"It doesn't matter, there are others to carry it!" Mo Junlan said indifferently.

He didn't want to expose Lingxiao's identity for these people.

Author's Gossip: Muah! If you want to know more exciting content, please leave me a message on Liancheng Reading:)

Chapter 72 Entering the Book Collection Pavilion

Next, the blood-eyed demon bat attacked everyone like crazy.

Just when everyone was about to collapse, suddenly another powerful pressure appeared, which also made everyone's face become paler.

"Why is there another level nine monster?" Zhao Gang said with an ugly face, and he was a little embarrassed.

"Is this East China Sea fishing city poisonous?" Xu Liuyun couldn't help but complain.

Although level nine monsters are not rare, they are not everywhere.

"Brother Junlan, what should we do next?" Lingxiao asked in a low voice standing beside Mo Junlan.

"This voice sounds a little familiar..." Mo Junlan raised his eyebrows and curled his lips, "Just wait and see!"

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