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"Are you famous?" Mo Junlan asked Feng Jinghua.

"No one should know me in Lingxuan Continent." Feng Jinghua said.

"Here in Lingxuan Continent?" Mo Junlan's mind moved when he heard this, his eyes flickered, and then he said, "Isn't Lingxuan Continent the only space?"

Feng Jinghua heard what Mo Junlan said, and then sneered, "Who told you that Lingxuan Continent is the only space? You people in Lingxuan Continent are really ignorant."

Mo Junlan, "..."

You are the one who is ignorant.

Do you know what his identity is?

His previous life was the Evil Sword Immortal Lord.

Although he himself is also from Lingxuan Continent, his soul has already traveled in the immortal world of cultivation.

Feng Jinghua glanced at Mo Junlan, then restrained his disdainful look, and then said, "I have a brother with the same father and mother, and he robbed my fiancé."

"Things that can be robbed don't belong to you." Mo Junlan sneered.

"He was originally mine." Feng Jinghua clenched his fists and said angrily, "It was that bitch who betrayed me."

"Oh!" Mo Junlan nodded and said, "Then you are really miserable, but I don't sympathize with you at all."

Feng Jinghua glared at Mo Junlan.

"The things that originally belonged to you were taken away, which also proves that you are incompetent." Mo Junlan looked at Feng Jinghua and curled his lips.

Feng Jinghua, "..."

This damn bastard.

"Incompetent guy, you are actually locked here by someone, why don't you just hit your head and die?" Mo Junlan looked at Feng Jinghua with contempt.

"Why should I die?" Feng Jinghua's face was distorted, and he said in a gloomy voice, "I want revenge."

"You are already like this now, how can you take revenge?" Mo Junlan raised his eyebrows and said, "I see that your cultivation seems to be almost gone."

Hearing this, Feng Jinghua suddenly said a little dejectedly, "That pair of dogs are really not human. They deliberately locked me in this ghost place."

"You said they are dogs, so of course they are not human." Mo Junlan curled his lips.

Feng Jinghua looked up at Mo Junlan, his eyes flickered, and said, "If you can help me leave here, I am willing to do three things for you."

"No need!" Mo Junlan refused directly. He did not completely believe Feng Jinghua's words.

After all, he would also tell such a miserable story to lie.

Feng Jinghua frowned, looked at Mo Junlan and said, "What do you want to help me?"

"I still suspect that you are locked here because you have done something extremely evil." Mo Junlan said bluntly.

"Do I look like a bad guy who has committed a heinous crime?" Feng Jinghua was still very confident about her appearance.

"Then have you ever heard of a phrase called "inconsistency between the inside and outside"?" Mo Junlan smiled indifferently.

Feng Jinghua, "..."

Mo Junlan stood up, obviously leaving.

Feng Jinghua suddenly panicked when she saw this, and hurriedly said, "Wait a minute!"

However, Mo Junlan did not intend to pay attention to him.

Feng Jinghua gritted his teeth and said, "Don't you want to go to a higher level space?"

Mo Junlan stopped when he heard this, then turned around and looked at Feng Jingtian with gloomy eyes.

Feng Jinghua looked at Mo Junlan who had stopped, and felt a little relieved in his heart, and smiled, "After my cultivation is restored, I can take you directly to the vast fairyland."

Chapter 77 Soul Contract

Mo Junlan was a little disappointed when he heard this, he thought it was the immortal world of cultivation!

The result was a vast fairyland he had never heard of.

Feng Jinghua looked at Mo Junlan, who looked calm, and felt a little uneasy. Then he said, "I was very powerful in the past, and I will definitely be able to help you in the future."

Mo Junlan curled his lips and said, "A hero does not brag about his past achievements."

Feng Jinghua frowned and said, "Then will you help me or not?"

"I still think you are useless..." Mo Junlan looked at Feng Jinghua and said.

Feng Jinghua's mouth couldn't help but twitch, and asked, "Don't you want to go to the vast fairyland?"

The cultivators of Lingxuan Continent should have heard of the vast fairyland.

However, Feng Jinghua was wrong this time, because Mo Junlan had never heard of the vast fairyland.

In the first life, Mo Junlan was still an ordinary person until his death, and had no basic understanding of these things.

In the second life, Mo Junlan was directly reborn in the cultivation fairyland.

In the cultivation fairyland, no one had heard of the existence of the vast fairyland.

As for the third life now, Mo Junlan has not deliberately learned about this aspect. At present, he is only thinking about unlocking the seal in his body and trying to find a way to return to the immortal world of cultivation.

So Mo Junlan has never learned about the vast immortal land.

If Feng Jinghua hadn't mentioned the vast immortal land, Mo Junlan would not have known that there was such a space.

Mo Junlan's eyes turned and he suddenly asked, "What is the vast immortal land?"

"Don't you know?" Feng Jinghua couldn't help but look at Mo Junlan in surprise.

Mo Junlan shook his head.

Feng Jinghua thought about it, and then said, "The vast immortal land is a higher level space than the Lingxuan Continent, and the cultivation limit of the Lingxuan Continent is the Emperor Spirit Realm. Once the cultivators here cultivate to the Emperor Spirit Realm, they can no longer make progress. Only by going to the vast immortal land can they have the possibility of further cultivation."

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