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Although the contribution points are few, it is better than nothing.

After submitting the task, Mo Junlan planned to find Lingxiao.

Of course, this time he planned to sneak out, after all, his pass had been taken back by Zhang Mutong.

Although there are many strong people in Guangming Academy, it is always...unstoppable to stop Mo Junlan who is determined to sneak out.

But before Mo Junlan took action, Lingxiao had already appeared in front of him.

"Brother Junlan, are you injured?" Lingxiao couldn't help asking when he saw Mo Junlan.

Mo Junlan shook his head, then smiled, "My task was completed smoothly, how about you?"

"It was also smooth on my side, but..." Lingxiao frowned suddenly when he said this.

"But what?" Mo Junlan looked at Lingxiao and asked.

Mo Junlan knew very well that Lingxiao was not injured, because Lingxiao's body was still in his sea of consciousness.

Once Lingxiao's spirit body was injured, his body would also be affected.

Lingxiao lowered his head and said a little embarrassedly, "Brother Junlan, that... I had a fight with someone when I came back."

"What was the result?" Mo Junlan asked with a raised eyebrow.

"I won." Lingxiao whispered, "but I beat the other party seriously and broke one of his legs."

"It doesn't matter if you kill him, as long as you are not bullied." Mo Junlan smiled.

Lingxiao was stunned for a moment, then nodded, "I understand."

Mo Junlan smiled indifferently and rubbed Lingxiao's head.

Lingxiao, "..."

"Have you submitted your task?" Mo Junlan asked.

"Not yet!" Lingxiao shook his head.

"I'll go with you to submit the task." Mo Junlan said.

"Okay!" Lingxiao felt happy.

Mo Junlan and Lingxiao went to the task hall together.

The reward for Lingxiao's completed task was 60,000 points, but there was only one contribution point.

Lingxiao was very dissatisfied with this.

Mo Junlan didn't care much, and touched Lingxiao's head as if to comfort him, and chuckled, "There's no rush for contribution points, you can take your time."

Lingxiao pursed his lips and frowned, "When can you enter the library?"

"I don't know." Mo Junlan said truthfully.

Lingxiao, "..."

"You are the emperor who is not in a hurry, but the eunuch is." Mo Junlan couldn't help but said with some amusement, "But I'm also very happy that Xiao'er cares so much about me."

Lingxiao's cheeks suddenly turned slightly red when she listened to Mo Junlan's words.

"Tomorrow is the day of the monthly exam." Mo Junlan suddenly said.

Lingxiao looked up at Mo Junlan.

Mo Junlan looked at Lingxiao and curled his lips and said, "Xiao'er, are you ready?"

Lingxiao was stunned for a moment, then shook his head and said, "No!"

Mo Junlan, "..."

Because Lingxiao said that he was not ready yet, Mo Junlan immediately started to teach Lingxiao the array spell after returning to the dormitory.

Even when Ning Feng came back, Mo Junlan turned a blind eye.

Lingxiao would not pay attention to Ning Feng.

Ning Feng saw Mo Junlan teaching Lingxiao the formation spells, and he wanted to avoid it, but when he saw that neither Mo Junlan nor Lingxiao looked at him, he sat directly on his bed.

Mo Junlan's voice was neither loud nor soft, and Ning Feng could naturally hear it in this seemingly narrow room.

However, Ning Feng is only a first-level formation master now, and the formation spells that Mo Junlan told Lingxiao are all above the fourth level.

So even if Ning Feng did not avoid it, he would not understand.

And Ning Feng was also very tactful and did not disturb them, but his expression looked a little depressed.

The next day, Mo Junlan and Lingxiao went to the class very early.

Because there was a monthly exam today, many people were quite nervous.

As for Gong Shu, who was severely punished by Mo Junlan yesterday, he was also among them.

When Gong Shu saw Mo Junlan and Lingxiao, his eyes instantly became gloomy, and his whole face was full of resentment.

After Mo Junlan felt Gong Shu's murderous gaze, he turned around and smiled at him contemptuously.

It was a complete provocation.

Gong Shu looked at Mo Junlan's smile and felt it was so dazzling that he wanted to tear that person to pieces.

Ling Xiao ignored Gong Shu directly.

Everyone, "..."

Are they going to fight?

Gong Shu lost face yesterday and didn't want to come, but today is the day of the monthly exam. If he doesn't take the monthly exam, he will be directly demoted to the poor class.

He didn't want to go to the poor class, so he had to bite the bullet and come to take the monthly exam.

Although he had already prepared himself before coming, when he saw Mo Junlan and Ling Xiao again, he couldn't help but feel resentful and even couldn't control his emotions.

"Just wait for me." Gong Shu glared at Mo Junlan and Lingxiao with a resentful expression, and gnashed his teeth and said, "I will definitely seek revenge on you."

"Short and small men, how pitiful!" Mo Junlan suddenly sighed.

Lingxiao, "..."

Almost all the men present understood what Mo Junlan meant, so most of them couldn't help but burst out laughing.

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