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As Lin Yuyan rushed over, Lingxiao used a spiritual force to knock her out.

At the same time, the noise they made attracted other people to come and watch.

The incident of Lin Yuyan being stripped naked and thrown on the street has not passed yet, so many people are still talking about it.

Among the onlookers, many people recognized Lin Yuyan's identity, so they looked at Lin Yuyan with a hint of nakedness.

And most of those who looked at Lin Yuyan with such eyes were men.

Lin Yuyan felt very ashamed and angry, and she was already injured by Mo Junlan and Lingxiao, and now she was stimulated again, so she was so angry that she vomited blood.

Seeing Lin Yuyan vomiting blood, everyone was shocked.

However, Mo Junlan and Lingxiao did not have any special reactions.

"You are so shameless, it really surprises me." Mo Junlan sighed softly, and said in a dark tone, "How can a shameless person like you not go to a brothel to sell yourself? You dare to ask me for spiritual stones? You are really shameless."

"Lin Lan, aren't you afraid that I will tell others about your despicable deeds?" Lin Yuyan said angrily.

"What despicable deeds have I done?" Mo Junlan raised his eyebrows and said indifferently, "Oh, by the way, you just said that I killed your parents, but the person who killed your parents was not me!"

As soon as these words came out, everyone turned their eyes to look at Lin Yuyan.

"You are the murderer." Lin Yuyan pointed at Mo Junlan with a twisted and hideous face.

"Your parents deserve to die." Lingxiao said coldly, "And you deserve to die too."

Listening to Lingxiao's words, Lin Yuyan's body trembled involuntarily.

"Forget it, she's just a lunatic, don't worry about her anymore." Mo Junlan said with his thin lips, "I guess she became a psychopath because she was stimulated too much."

Lingxiao, "..."

"Look at her, doesn't she look like a psychopath?" Mo Junlan's eyes swept across the people present.

Everyone, "..."

She really looks a bit like a crazy psychopath.

"Brother Junlan, this psychopath has been making a fuss here, which shouldn't be a good thing, right?" Lingxiao frowned, thinking about how to deal with Lin Yuyan.

"Notify the dean and let him deal with it." Mo Junlan said.

Lin Yuyan's face suddenly changed again when she heard this. She looked at the people standing around and watching, and she felt extremely resentful in her heart. No one came out to help her?

However, Lin Yuyan's rationality finally recovered a little. She was not willing to face more people for the time being, so she left angrily.

Before leaving, she glared at Mo Junlan and Lingxiao fiercely, and the resentment in her was simply obvious.

Mo Junlan and Lingxiao also returned to the dormitory and closed the door.

"Brother Junlan, I don't think that woman will give up." Lingxiao frowned.

"Why do you feel this way?" Mo Junlan raised his eyebrows and asked.

"Because I think there seems to be something wrong with her brain." Lingxiao said truthfully.

"Yeah, I think so too." Mo Junlan smiled lightly.

Lingxiao turned his head to look at Mo Junlan, blinked, and said, "What is Brother Junlan going to do?"

"Just let her go completely crazy." Mo Junlan curled his lips and said.

How can a completely crazy person come to trouble them?


In the deep night, in a room, a woman's scream suddenly came out.

Lin Yuyan huddled at the head of the bed with a face full of horror. She didn't know what she saw. Her body was trembling, and she kept scratching her face with her nails, muttering to herself, "Don't come over... Don't come over... Yan'er doesn't want to die... You are all dead... Don't bother me anymore... Why don't you go to hell quickly... No... I don't want to go to hell with you..."

Blood stained Lin Yuyan's face and hands red, and even her clothes were stained with a large piece of blood. Her hair was messy, and the ground could still see the pieces of meat she had scraped off by herself.

It looked very scary.

And several students who lived in the same dormitory with Lin Yuyan were also frightened by Lin Yuyan's appearance at this time. After they came to their senses, they immediately ran out and planned to notify others to come over.

Chapter 103 My Wife

Ling Xiao immediately went to tell Mo Junlan after learning that Lin Yuyan had gone crazy.

Mo Junlan said calmly, "Maybe this is retribution."

"Really?" Lingxiao felt that Mo Junlan had done something in secret.

"Of course it's fake." Mo Junlan suddenly smiled, turned his head and looked at Lingxiao, and said with a curled lip, "When she came to trouble us before, I took the opportunity to put a little poison on her body."

Others scolded him like this, would he really pretend that nothing happened?

According to his personality, it is obviously impossible for him to let Lin Yuyan go like this.

"What poison did you put on her?" Lingxiao asked curiously.

"It's just a toxin that can make people hallucinate. If she didn't have something to hide, she wouldn't go crazy so easily." Mo Junlan said sarcastically.

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