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Although Mo Junlan was a little itchy and wanted to fight with the level 10 monster, if he did so, he would probably expose his identity.

So Mo Junlan also ran away.

"Brother Junlan, can't we beat the beast?" Lingxiao couldn't help asking.

"There are people here, so it's not easy to fight." Mo Junlan explained.

After hearing Mo Junlan's explanation, Lingxiao understood what Mo Junlan meant. It turned out that he didn't want to expose his identity.

After all, Mo Junlan had appeared in another identity, and according to the records in Guangming Academy, as a student, Mo Junlan's cultivation was only at the initial stage of Yuanling Realm.

The direction chosen by the beast to chase was, unfortunately, exactly the direction Mo Junlan took.

Mo Junlan looked back at the beast behind him, and said with some displeasure, "Why is this guy chasing me?"

Ling Xiao, "..."

"Is my character so bad?" Mo Junlan snorted, "I will definitely skin it later."

Chapter 87 The Thief Cries Thief

The pressure emitted by the tenth-level monster is enough to make countless people's legs weak and unable to resist.

The tenth-level monster chasing Mo Junlan now is a bone-eating demon wolf, which was originally sealed in a cave, but was deliberately released by someone.

As for who released it, no one knows at present.

However, the bone-eating demon wolf, which has been sealed for a long time, obviously wants to vent its resentment, so it will attack humans directly when it sees them.

Xuanwu Secret Realm is a region separated from the vast fairyland. It is not surprising that there are tenth-level monsters here.

Of course, those who are not aware of it will still be shocked when they see the tenth-level monster.

Mo Junlan thought for a while, then turned and flew in another direction.

The Bone Erosion Wolf paused for a moment before continuing to chase Mo Junlan.

Seeing this, Mo Junlan couldn't help but snorted again, "This guy really doesn't like me. There are so many humans here, but he just wants to chase me."

"It may think you are the strongest." Lingxiao said hesitantly.

"It's better this way." Mo Junlan curled his lips. If the Bone Erosion Wolf thought he was the weakest and chose to chase him, then he might really want to peel the wolf's skin.

"Brother Junlan, should we fight?" Lingxiao asked.

"Fight!" Mo Junlan suddenly paused and turned to face the Bone Erosion Wolf running towards him.

Lingxiao stopped talking and returned to the sword silently.

Mo Junlan summoned the Lingxiao Sword, his body condensed in the air, his white clothes fluttering in the wind, and his momentum was not weaker than that of the Bone Erosion Wolf.

There was no one else here except Mo Junlan, so he could now fight the Bone Erosion Wolf without restraint.

The Bone Erosion Wolf on the opposite side did not seem to notice anything wrong and continued to pounce on Mo Junlan. It opened its bloody mouth, and venom oozed from its teeth, dripping down the corners of its mouth, instantly corroding the trees below into a pool of black water.

This corrosive venom looked extremely powerful. If it was accidentally touched, even a cultivator would probably turn into a pool of blood.

Although the body of the Bone Erosion Wolf was very huge, its movements were also very agile. In a few breaths, it had already arrived in front of Mo Junlan.

Mo Junlan's figure was as erratic as lightning, and his speed was not slower than that of the Bone Erosion Wolf. The sharp invisible sword energy hit the Bone Erosion Wolf one after another, and the Bone Erosion Wolf was actually repelled several meters away. There was even hair of the Bone Erosion Wolf on the ground.

There were many wounds on the Bone Erosion Demon Wolf's body. Its gray fur was stained with blood, which made it even more violent. So when it attacked Mo Junlan next time, it was even more fierce.

With the roar of the Bone Erosion Demon Wolf, a strong wind suddenly appeared around it, and then a vortex quickly formed.

The strong wind was hitting Mo Junlan, his robe was rustling, and his long hair was flying.

Mo Junlan's eyes turned cold, and then he raised the long sword in his hand, and the blood-red sword light flashed out, slashing directly at the Bone Erosion Demon Wolf.

With a loud bang, the body of the Bone Erosion Demon Wolf was knocked down by the sword light.

Because the Bone Erosion Demon Wolf was very large, when it fell, even the ground shook violently, and even showed signs of cracking.

Mo Junlan also set up a barrier around himself, which immediately isolated the impact of the strong wind and the dust flying in front of him.

Just when Mo Junlan was about to make another move, the environment in front of him suddenly changed.

Mo Junlan glanced around and found that the place where he was standing now had become the forbidden area of Guangming Academy.

It was obvious that he had left the Xuanwu Secret Realm.

Mo Junlan, "..."

It really made people feel a little uncomfortable!

Fortunately, his Xiao'er has not turned into a human form now, otherwise his identity would be exposed.

In addition to Mo Junlan, there were many people present who looked speechless.

Mo Junlan looked down at the Lingxiao Sword in his hand, and then put it away.

Compared with the number of people who entered the Xuanwu Secret Realm, it is obvious that there are almost half as many people now.

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