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Deng Fei's expression changed.

At this time, Ling Xiao also came over and said indifferently, "Points!"

Deng Fei glared at Mo Junlan and Ling Xiao, gnashing his teeth and saying, "You lied to me!"

Mo Junlan raised his eyebrows and asked, "When did we lie to you?"

"His cultivation is obviously..." Deng Fei pointed at Ling Xiao, but suddenly found that he didn't know what words to use to accuse the other party.

Because neither Mo Junlan nor Ling Xiao said from beginning to end what realm their cultivation was in.

He was always self-righteous before.

After listening to their conversation just now, he subconsciously thought that Ling Xiao said that because he was afraid of not being able to beat him.

But he didn't expect that the other party's cultivation was higher than his own.

"What's wrong with my cultivation?" Ling Xiao asked calmly.

Deng Fei gritted his teeth and finally didn't say anything else.

"You can give us the points now." Mo Junlan looked at Deng Fei and said, his expression was very calm.

Lingxiao had already taken out the crystal card.

Deng Fei looked at the crystal card in Lingxiao's hand and suddenly felt a surge of blood.

Because he suddenly remembered that Mo Junlan and Lingxiao should be freshmen, and there were probably not many points in their crystal cards.

And his own crystal card had more than 2,000 points.

Although Deng Fei felt sorry for these points, he couldn't deny it with so many people watching, after all, he would have to live in Guangming College in the future.

So Deng Fei transferred all the points in the crystal card to Lingxiao's crystal card.

Mo Junlan smiled lightly and curled his lips and said, "Originally, our points added up to only 20, but now we have more than 2,000 points at once. We have to thank the senior student opposite for giving it to us."

Everyone, "..."

Are you so angry?

Deng Fei was really angry when he heard what Mo Junlan said, and he vomited blood directly this time.

Seeing Deng Fei vomiting blood, the crowd couldn't help but give him a sympathetic look.

Deng Fei glared at Mo Junlan and Lingxiao again, then left angrily. As long as he had the chance, he would definitely take revenge.

But Mo Junlan and Lingxiao were in a good mood, and they went back to the dormitory directly.

Ning Feng was not in the dormitory at this time.

"Xiao'er, you are great!" Mo Junlan touched Lingxiao's head with a smile.

Lingxiao tilted his head slightly, his eyes rolling, and said to Mo Junlan, "Brother Junlan, I have something to tell you."

"What is it?" Mo Junlan looked at Lingxiao and asked.

"I found..." However, before Lingxiao finished speaking, the door of their dormitory was suddenly pushed open.

Lingxiao shut up immediately.

Mo Junlan turned his head and saw that the person who came in was Ning Feng.

Ning Feng looked at Ling Xiao, with a trace of admiration in his eyes, and said, "I saw your fight with that senior just now, you are really amazing."

Ling Xiao, "..."

"I think he is amazing too." Mo Junlan smiled slightly.

Ling Xiao felt shy for some reason when Mo Junlan said this, and whispered, "Everything I have now was given by Brother Junlan, so the really amazing person should be Brother Junlan."

Mo Junlan looked at Ling Xiao sideways and teased, "Xiao Xiaoer, you are being modest."

"I am not being modest." Ling Xiao retorted, "Brother Junlan, these are my true thoughts."

"Okay, I know I am amazing, but you are not bad either." Mo Junlan smiled helplessly.

"Friend Mo, what I just said is also my true thoughts. You don't need to be modest. Senior Deng Fei's cultivation is at the middle level of the Heavenly Spirit Realm, and you defeated him with just one move. Isn't this amazing?" Ning Feng said this to Ling Xiao.

Ling Xiao couldn't help but be stunned when he heard this, and then said without thinking, "My last name is not Mo."

This time it was Ning Feng's turn to be stunned. He first looked at Ling Xiao, then turned to look at Mo Junlan, and then asked in confusion, "Aren't you brothers?"

Ling Xiao also turned to look at Mo Junlan.

"We are cousins." Mo Junlan smiled, "In fact, I am Xiao'er's cousin."

Ling Xiao, "..."

They are clearly the relationship between the master and the sword spirit.

Ning Feng heard Mo Junlan's explanation, and then showed a look of sudden enlightenment, and said, "No wonder I always felt that you two don't look alike. It turns out that you are just cousins!"

He always thought that Mo Junlan and Ling Xiao were brothers!

"We don't really look alike." Mo Junlan chuckled, "We didn't make it clear before."

"But you seem to have a good relationship." Ning Feng couldn't help but say with some envy.

"Xiao'er is so well-behaved and wholeheartedly treats me, how could I not be good to him?" Mo Junlan's eyebrows were full of tenderness.

"I like brother Junlan, and brother Junlan likes me too." Lingxiao smiled, "Of course our relationship will be very good."

Mo Junlan and Lingxiao smiled at each other.

Ning Feng listened to what Mo Junlan and Lingxiao said, but felt a strange feeling in his heart.

Why did their words sound a little weird?

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