Pseudo 30

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"Well, shy little wife." Mo Junlan couldn't help teasing.

Lingxiao looked up at Mo Junlan, blinked his eyes, and said, "Brother Junlan, I am not your little wife."

Mo Junlan looked at Lingxiao with a light eyebrow.

"Brother Junlan, I am your sword spirit." Lingxiao said seriously.

"But you look no different from humans now." Mo Junlan chuckled.

"But my essence is still a sword." Lingxiao is very clear about his position.

He is a ruthless sword that only protects Mo Junlan.

There is still a big difference from real humans.

Mo Junlan, "..."

Lingxiao looked at Mo Junlan and said very seriously, "Brother Junlan, the more powerful you are, the happier I will be, because in this way, others can no longer bully you."

He knew Mo Junlan's past and present lives, so he didn't want to see Mo Junlan being bullied again.

Mo Junlan couldn't help but be stunned when he heard this.

Chapter 37 Love Rivals Compete for Love

Ling Xiao said it very seriously, his expression was very cold, his eyes flashed with determination, and he continued in a deep voice, "If anyone hurts Brother Jun Lan, then Ling Xiao will definitely turn into a sharp sword and make those who hurt Brother Jun Lan pay the price."

Mo Jun Lan lowered his eyes, his long eyelashes trembled slightly twice, his eyes were deep, but his expression was unusually gentle, and he chuckled, "Xiao Xiao'er, no one can easily bully me now."

It's good enough that he doesn't bully others.

"But I still want to protect Brother Jun Lan..." Ling Xiao whispered.

"You have been protecting me all the time, haven't you?" Mo Junlan smiled faintly, "Okay, there is no need to talk about such touching topics anymore."

Lingxiao smiled, "Then Junlan brother, have you thought about where to sell the spiritual tools?"

"There are so many shops here, there will always be shops that buy spiritual tools." Mo Junlan smiled, "We can also look for some now."

Mo Junlan and Lingxiao wandered around the street for another half an hour. After asking more than ten shops in a row, they finally found two shops that bought spiritual tools.

The spiritual tools in the space were actually used by Mo Junlan, but since he had the Lingxiao Sword, he had not used them again.

However, since they were spiritual tools that Mo Junlan had used before, their level and quality were naturally not low.

As Mo Junlan's natal sword, Lingxiao's attitude towards those spiritual tools was exactly like treating a love rival.

Especially after knowing that Mo Junlan was going to sell those spiritual tools, Lingxiao's heart was even more happy, but he did not show it.

But Mo Junlan could feel Lingxiao's inner joy, so he couldn't help but say a little puzzled, "Xiao'er, when I sold those spiritual weapons just now, you seemed particularly happy."

Lingxiao couldn't help blushing when he heard Mo Junlan's words, but he didn't want to deceive Mo Junlan, so he said honestly, "Brother Junlan, I'm happy because my rivals are gone."

Mo Junlan was stunned when he heard this, and then said in surprise, "Where did you get your rivals?"

"It's... it's the spiritual weapons you just sold." Lingxiao lowered his eyes and couldn't help but say shyly, "After all, they have all been used by you, so I..."

"So you are jealous?" Mo Junlan raised his eyebrows.

"Brother Junlan, I can't help it..." Lingxiao's voice became smaller and smaller.

"So you are trying to win favor now?" Mo Junlan chuckled.

Lingxiao muttered, "Humans can compete for favor, why can't I and those spiritual weapons?"

"You said that, but it makes me become a half-hearted bad man." Mo Junlan looked at Lingxiao and said.

"Huh?" Lingxiao frowned, looked up at Mo Junlan, and said, "Brother Junlan, you are not a bad man. Those spiritual weapons that are not worthy of you should be sold."

Mo Junlan, "..."

Said that, he seemed to be even worse, and the more he described, the worse it was.

Now he is more like... a bad owner among the spiritual weapons.

"Brother Junlan, I am better than those rivals in love." Lingxiao said to Mo Junlan very seriously.

Mo Junlan couldn't help but twitch his mouth, and said helplessly, "Well, you are so good, I only need you, that's enough."

Lingxiao smiled happily when he heard it.

Mo Junlan, "..."

Chapter 38 True Spirit Fire

Mo Junlan sold a total of four spiritual weapons, but they were all below level eight. It's not that he didn't have higher-level spiritual weapons for sale, but he didn't want to attract too much attention.

And level eight spiritual weapons are relatively rare.

Mo Junlan sold two level eight spiritual weapons and two level seven spiritual weapons, and sold them to two stores respectively.

After all, things are rare and valuable.

If they were sold in the same store, they would definitely be forced to lower the price.

Mo Junlan's brain was still quite useful, and he sold a total of 6 million spiritual stones in the end.

After having spiritual stones, Mo Junlan went to buy spiritual herbs.

Mo Junlan bought some spiritual herbs above level five, so he used a lot of spiritual stones.

After buying the spiritual herbs, the original 6 million spiritual stones were now only 800,000.

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