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Mo Junlan let Lingxiao enter his sea of consciousness again, and then jumped into the cold pond.

The water in the pond was very cold, and there was not even a fish in it, but Mo Junlan had spiritual power to protect his body, so it had no effect on his body for the time being.

And Mo Junlan also had water-repellent beads on his body.

Mo Junlan quickly came to the bottom of the cold pond. He scanned the surrounding environment, then narrowed his eyes and curled his lips and said, "There is a formation here."

"Brother Junlan, the center of the formation is under your feet." Lingxiao's voice suddenly sounded in Mo Junlan's mind.

"We won't destroy the center of the formation." Mo Junlan opened his lips and said, "Under the formation, I don't know what is suppressed."

After a while, Lingxiao said again, "Brother Junlan, the entrance is on your left, about ten meters away."

After hearing this, Mo Junlan turned left and walked ten meters, and then he began to input spiritual power into this so-called entrance.

At the same time, a ray of light suddenly flashed out, very dazzling, and instantly surrounded Mo Junlan. Then, Mo Junlan's figure disappeared out of thin air.

Here is another cave, but the area is very small, and there are many ancient runes engraved on the stone wall.

Mo Junlan first observed the surrounding environment, and then cast his eyes on the stone wall in front.

There are several golden chains interlaced on the stone wall in front, and in the middle of the golden chain, there is a pale man.

The golden chain passed through the man's scapula, looking extremely embarrassed, and the whole person exuded a weak breath. His eyes, which were originally closed, suddenly opened when Mo Junlan appeared. He looked at Mo Junlan standing opposite, and his expression seemed a little weird.

Mo Junlan was also looking at the man opposite. This man... didn't seem to have any treasures on him.

"How did you find this place?" The man asked, perhaps because he hadn't spoken for too long, his voice was very hoarse.

"I choose not to answer your question." Mo Junlan said calmly.

The man was startled when he heard what Mo Junlan said, and then he laughed and said, "Do you know who I am?"

"A naked man." Mo Junlan said calmly. No matter who the other party is, he can't hit him now.

Because the other party's cultivation is sealed.

Man, "..."

Mo Junlan looked around again, then frowned and said with some disdain, "Why is there nothing here?"

"Isn't there me here?" The man couldn't help but say.

"What's your use?" Mo Junlan sneered, "You're not even as good as a spiritual herb."

The man was choked.

"Brother Junlan, let's go." Lingxiao's voice sounded in Mo Junlan's mind again.

Mo Junlan was about to respond to Lingxiao's words, but the man opposite said again, "Are you looking for treasures?"

"Aren't you talking nonsense?" Mo Junlan looked at the man with contempt.

The man smiled, seemingly not caring about Mo Junlan's attitude at all, and then he curled his lips mysteriously and said, "I can help you."

"There must be conditions, right?" Mo Junlan sneered.

"Of course!" The man raised his eyebrows.

"Then let's not talk about it." Mo Junlan said lightly.

"Why don't you listen to my conditions first?" The man frowned.

"It's nothing more than letting me help you leave here." Mo Junlan snorted coldly, and looked at the man opposite with his eyes, curled his lips and said, "Looking at the way you are locked up, you look like a demon."

The man was silent for a moment, and then said, "I'm not a demon."

"Then why are you locked here? And your scapula is pierced." Mo Junlan crossed his arms and looked at the man opposite coldly.

The man suddenly sighed and said slowly, "It's a long story."

"Then you can talk slowly." Mo Junlan said calmly, "I'm not in a hurry anyway."

He has found the soul-attracting grass he wanted, and there is really nothing to do at the moment.

Man, "..."

Mo Junlan has found a relatively clean place to sit down, and seems to be very interested in the man's story.

The man took a deep breath, his face gloomy, and suddenly gritted his teeth and said, "Have you ever been betrayed?"

"No!" Mo Junlan shook his head, his Xiao Xiao'er would never betray him.

The man's expression was as gloomy as dripping water, he gritted his teeth, and said hatefully, "I was secretly plotted against and locked here by a pair of bitches."

"Then what?" Mo Junlan raised his eyebrows and asked, he didn't even have a trace of sympathy for the man's experience.

Tsk tsk, he is so cold-blooded and heartless!

The man looked at Mo Junlan's expression and couldn't help but frowned, "Why don't you have any sympathy for me?"

"Because I'm heartless." Mo Junlan said sincerely.

Man, "..."

"Keep talking!" Mo Junlan said with a half-smile.

The man lowered his eyes and said, "My name is Feng Jinghua."

"I haven't heard of it." Mo Junlan said indifferently.

Feng Jinghua glanced at Mo Junlan and said, "It's normal that you haven't heard of my name."

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