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Besides, if Xie Yazheng died in the hands of others, perhaps he could save himself some trouble.

After all, the power of the Demon Sect is also quite troublesome.

"Brother Bai, the Skyfire..." Tao Lingling bit her lip and stretched out her hand to pull Bai Chen's sleeve.

Bai Chen subconsciously turned slightly to the side and pulled back his sleeve at the same time, whispering, "The Skyfire no longer belongs to us, you'd better give it up."

Tao Lingling's face turned pale when she heard this.

Bai Chen looked at Tao Lingling's face and continued, "And even if all of us add up, we can't beat the other party."

Tao Lingling then remembered the cultivation of Mo Junlan and Ling Xiao, and there was only a sense of disappointment in her heart.

Mo Junlan's eyes moved, and then he controlled the Skyfire with his mind.

The Skyfire, which turned into a wall of fire, instantly turned into the shape of a sword, and then flew towards Xie Yazheng.

Feeling the burning heat like being burned by fire, Xie Yazheng, who had already fainted, suddenly woke up.

As soon as Xie Yazheng opened his eyes, he saw the sky fire so close. He was startled at first, and then he was terrified.

However, before Xie Yazheng could speak, the sky fire had surrounded him in an instant.

Xie Yazheng, who was burned by the sky fire, screamed.

"What a hapless guy." Mo Junlan shook his head and sighed, "Wouldn't it be better to die in a coma? He chose to wake up at this time, which is simply self-abuse."

"Stupid!" Ling Xiao spit out two words coldly.

"You are right, there is no shortage of stupid people in this world." Mo Junlan said indifferently.

When everyone heard Xie Yazheng's screams, they felt their scalps tingling.

This is clearly being burned alive!

However, Xie Yazheng's screams did not last long. He soon stopped making any sound, and in the end, only a pile of ashes was left.

Chapter 111 Feng Family Affairs

At this moment, someone suddenly let out a terrified cry, "There... there are a lot of corpses."

Everyone who heard this hurriedly looked in the direction the person pointed, and saw that there were more than ten corpses lying in the bushes not far away.

And all of them were the kind of corpses that died without a complete body.

Seeing this, Bai Chen subconsciously looked at Mo Junlan and Ling Xiao again.

Mo Junlan shrugged, and said with a hint of helplessness, "Did you just find out?"

Everyone, "..."

"Then... did you kill all those people?" Tao Lingling looked at the miserable state of the corpses and couldn't help swallowing her saliva.

Mo Junlan nodded and smiled, "Any questions?"

Tao Lingling looked at the smile on Mo Junlan's face and suddenly felt a little scared.

This person is really cruel, and his methods are also very bloody. She should not have offended them, right?

Thinking of this, Tao Lingling was scared again.

"Those are all from the Demon Sect." Bai Chen said calmly.

"Are you getting rid of harm for the people?" Ma Lesheng looked at Mo Junlan and Lingxiao and couldn't help asking.

"Definitely not!" Mo Junlan raised his eyebrows and curled his lips and said, "Does this person look like a good person?"

Ma Lesheng, "..."

Whether he looks like one or not, he was amazed when he looked at the other person's face.

"You are definitely not a good person." Tao Lingling said without thinking.

But after she finished speaking, her body involuntarily shrank behind Bai Chen.

"You are also a bad woman." Lingxiao looked at Tao Lingling coldly.

Tao Lingling, "..."

"Don't talk to her, it will lower your IQ." Mo Junlan turned his head and said to Lingxiao.

"What do you mean by this?" Tao Lingling couldn't help but said angrily.

"It means literally." Mo Junlan said calmly.

"Brother Junlan, why did you start talking to her?" Lingxiao frowned and asked, "Aren't you afraid that your IQ will be affected by that stupid woman?"

Mo Junlan smiled calmly and said, "I'm not afraid, because my immunity is very strong."

Lingxiao, "..."

In fact, his physique is also immune to all poisons.

Tao Lingling listened to their conversation and felt very angry, but she was afraid of Mo Junlan and Lingxiao, so she had to suppress her anger and looked at Bai Chen with a wronged face.

As a result, Bai Chen's eyes were always on Mo Junlan.

Mo Junlan noticed Bai Chen's eyes, and couldn't help but raise his eyebrows and asked, "Why are you staring at me?"

"Nothing, I just think your appearance..." Bai Chen frowned, and looked like he was about to say something.

Mo Junlan's eyes flickered when he heard this, and he smiled and said, "Is there anything wrong with my appearance?"

"No problem!" Bai Chen shook his head, but his brows were still not relaxed.

"Can you tell the truth?" Mo Junlan said unhappily.

Bai Chen thought for a while, and then said, "You look a bit similar to a good friend of mine."

"Oh!" Mo Junlan's heart moved, the dark light in his eyes flowed, the corners of his mouth slightly raised, and he smiled, "How similar are they?"

"Just a little similar, not too much." Bai Chen replied, "Probably only two points similar."

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