Chapter 25

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Chapter 25 Self-doubt

The gangsters ended up being crippled. The bloodbath in the alley did not attract the attention of the public. Moreover, in a world of cultivation where martial arts is respected, it is normal for such a thing to happen.

After dealing with the gangsters, Mo Junlan and Lingxiao left the remote alley.

Mo Junlan and Lingxiao walked on the street, strolling through the shops leisurely, and asked about Guangming College.

After wandering around Nanle City for about half an hour, Mo Junlan finally found out about Guangming College recruiting students.

Guangming College recruits students every year, and as long as they pass the assessment, they can enter Guangming College.

"The age of the applicant must not exceed 20 years old." Ling Xiao smiled calmly, looked at Mo Junlan and said, "Brother Junlan, the age of your current body should be 18 years old, right?"

Mo Junlan nodded and smiled, "I just turned 18 this year. When I go to register, you will come with me."

"Can I?" Ling Xiao hesitated and frowned, "My spirit body cannot measure my age."

"Just think of a way." Mo Junlan narrowed his eyes, then raised his eyebrows slightly, and said with a hook, "Don't we have a soul contract between you and me? When you test your age, we can use the power of the soul contract."

Once the power of the soul contract is activated between them, their physical state will achieve exactly the same effect.

After using the soul contract, Ling Xiao is equivalent to having the same physical fitness as Mo Junlan.

However, the soul contract is also limited, and this state can only last for two hours.

But it's just registration, two hours are enough.

"You can try it." Ling Xiao nodded.

"But Nanle City seems a bit far from Guangming Academy." Mo Junlan frowned.

"The registration time is thirty-five days later, and we can use the teleportation array to go there." Lingxiao said.

"That's right, we still have plenty of time." Mo Junlan chuckled, "Then we will leave Nanle City tomorrow."

"Actually, it's okay now." Lingxiao looked at Mo Junlan and said.

"There is still so much time before the registration, there is no need to leave in a hurry." Mo Junlan smiled faintly.

Lingxiao, "..."

"Just now I also heard that there will be a fireworks show in Nanle City tonight." Mo Junlan smiled lightly, "Let's watch this fireworks show before leaving."

"Brother Junlan, do you like watching fireworks?" Lingxiao immediately asked with concentration.

He really never knew about Mo Junlan's hobby.

It seems that he is not a qualified sword spirit yet, and he doesn't even know the master's preferences.

Lingxiao's mood instantly became a little depressed.

Mo Junlan raised his hand and touched his chin, raised his eyebrows, looked at Lingxiao with a half-smile, and said, "Actually, I prefer to watch others explode into fireworks."

Lingxiao couldn't help looking at Mo Junlan in a daze.

"Just kidding." Mo Junlan smiled lightly and couldn't help but reach out and touch Lingxiao's head.

However, Lingxiao shook his head and said, "I don't think brother Junlan is joking."

Mo Junlan, "..."

What kind of image does he have in Lingxiao's heart?

In fact... his thoughts are not so bloody.

Seeing that Mo Junlan was silent for a long time, Lingxiao couldn't help but ask, "Brother Junlan, why don't you speak?"

"Your brother Junlan is now in self-doubt." Mo Junlan sighed.

Hearing this, Lingxiao looked at Mo Junlan with a puzzled look, obviously not understanding the meaning of Mo Junlan's words.

Mo Junlan turned his head and suddenly stared at Lingxiao intently, then asked seriously, "Xiao'er, I want to ask you something, you have to tell me honestly, don't hide anything."

Seeing Mo Junlan so serious, Lingxiao couldn't help but become a little nervous, and said solemnly, "What is it?"

"What kind of person am I in your heart?" Mo Junlan asked Lingxiao with a burning gaze.

Lingxiao couldn't help but be stunned when he heard what Mo Junlan said. He didn't expect Mo Junlan to ask such a... boring question.

Mo Junlan looked at Lingxiao's expression, then raised his eyebrows as if he had realized something, his eyes were dark, and he curled his lips and said, "Do you think my question is boring?"

"... A little!" Lingxiao nodded very sincerely.

Mo Junlan, "..."

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