Pseudo 29

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On the city wall, there were several portraits of wanted criminals, with a reward written below.

Mo Junlan just glanced at them lightly, and then he didn't pay any more attention to them, and then went into the city with Lingxiao.

After entering the city, Mo Junlan and Lingxiao immediately found an inn to rent.

After renting the guest room, Mo Junlan and Lingxiao wandered around the city, and by the way, they looked for the easiest way to earn spiritual stones.

Guangming City covers a large area, and the flow of people is tens of thousands every day, and it is also very prosperous.

Mo Junlan and Lingxiao walked on the street, and there were shops on both sides of the road.

"Brother Junlan, have you thought of a way to earn spiritual stones?" Lingxiao asked.

"I will think of it." Mo Junlan said indifferently.

Lingxiao, "..."

That means it's not over yet.

"Xiao'er, don't worry, I'm already thinking of a way to earn spiritual stones." Mo Junlan smiled, and his eyes swept across, and then fell on the Dan Pavilion in front.

Lingxiao, "..."

"Dan Pavilion?" Mo Junlan raised his eyebrows and said, "Let's go and take a look."

Mo Junlan and Lingxiao entered the Dan Pavilion together.

Dan Pavilion is the most famous alchemist force in the Southern Spiritual Region. The Pavilion Master is named Lu Tianqi, a Heaven-level Alchemist.

The levels of alchemists are from one to ten, and then the Earth-level, Heaven-level, Saint-level, Immortal-level, and God-level.

In the Lingxuan Continent, Heaven-level alchemists are already the top-level alchemists, and there are very few of them.

In the Southern Spiritual Region, there are only two Heaven-level alchemists known so far, namely the Pavilion Master Lu Tianqi of Dan Pavilion and the Great Elder of Guangming Academy Nangongyu.

There are many kinds of elixirs in the Dan Pavilion, all for sale, and the prices are not low.

"Brother Junlan, are you planning to buy elixirs?" Lingxiao turned around and asked Mo Junlan.

"Let's take a look at the price." Mo Junlan smiled faintly, "I plan to refine pills and sell them."

"Is it different from the fairy world?" Lingxiao asked in a low voice.

"The pills in the fairy world are all very high-level, so the prices are very expensive." Mo Junlan said slowly, "And the pills I have seen are almost all high-level. I have never known about the low-level pills here before."

If you want to sell something, you still have to understand the market price first.

Lingxiao nodded as if he understood, and said, "It's good to earn spirit stones."

Mo Junlan, "..."

After walking around the pill pavilion for a while, Mo Junlan and Lingxiao left.

After walking out of the pill pavilion, Lingxiao couldn't help but say, "Brother Junlan, since you plan to refine pills to sell, do you have spiritual herbs? And didn't you say before that you are just an unknown pill master in Lingxuan Continent, and no one will buy your pills."

After all, taking medicine is risky.

"Regarding the matter of selling pills, I have already thought of how to do it. We don't have to sell the pills ourselves." Mo Junlan smiled and said, "It's the same if we let others sell them."

"Do you want to find someone to cooperate with?" Lingxiao asked.

"Yes!" Mo Junlan nodded, and then glanced at Lingxiao, and said in a light voice, "If we come forward to sell the pills ourselves, it will actually be quite troublesome. The most annoying thing is that we will provoke some mentally ill guys. Do you understand the principle of possessing a treasure and being guilty?"

"Who do you plan to cooperate with?" Lingxiao asked again.

"Dan Pavilion is a choice for the time being." Mo Junlan said lightly, "But I still have to observe for a while."

"Brother Junlan, do you have spiritual herbs to refine pills?" Lingxiao asked the most important question.

"You can go buy spiritual herbs." Mo Junlan said.

"But spiritual herbs are not cheap, right?" Lingxiao frowned.

"I calculated that we have about 200,000 spiritual stones left, which should be enough to buy some relatively low-level spiritual herbs." Mo Junlan said calmly, "And in the space, there are also those spiritual tools I refined before. If the spiritual stones are really not enough, you can sell some spiritual tools first. Spiritual tools are different from elixirs, because spiritual tools only look at attack power and defense power, as long as the quality is good, it's fine."

"I understand, after all, elixirs are used for eating." Lingxiao nodded.

But elixirs still make more spiritual stones.

For example, elixirs and spiritual tools are both level 10, but elixirs are still more expensive and easier to make spiritual stones.

Therefore, the status of alchemists in Lingxuan Continent is also very high.

"In addition, I can also draw talismans." Mo Junlan smiled calmly.

"By the way, Brother Junlan, you are also a talisman master!" Lingxiao's eyes flickered a few times, and he couldn't help but said with some admiration, "In addition to the formation, you should be considered an all-round genius."

Mo Junlan, "..."

In fact, he also knows the formation, but he is not very proficient in it.

"Brother Junlan, when you are proficient in the formation, you will be a real all-round genius." Lingxiao said with a smile.

"Are you very happy?" Mo Junlan couldn't help but turn his head to look at Lingxiao.

Lingxiao nodded subconsciously, and when he reacted, his cheeks suddenly turned red again.

Mo Junlan reached out and gently poked Lingxiao's red cheeks, and said with a bit of amusement, "Why are you blushing again?"

"I...Is it okay for me to be shy?" Lingxiao lowered his head and said in a low voice.

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