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"Really?" Mo Junlan raised his eyebrows, but there was no unusual reaction.

Xia Liu did not speak anymore, because he did not know what to say, but his eyes looking at Mo Junlan were more complicated.

The soul opposite was indeed from the Vast Immortal Land. His name was Feng Ji. His original cultivation was at the initial stage of the Immortal Realm. However, when he was in the Vast Immortal Land, he offended someone he should not have offended, so he was beaten to death by the other party.

The person Feng Ji offended in the Vast Immortal Land was also cruel and ruthless. Not only did he kill him, but he even sealed his soul in a dark place, as if he wanted him to never be reborn.

If Han Yuanxi had not suddenly broken in, Feng Ji's soul would probably still be sealed now.

"I am considering whether to use soul-searching technique?" Mo Junlan raised his hand and touched his chin. He looked at Feng Ji opposite him and said with some distress, "But as the object of soul-searching, you are likely to hurt your soul and become stupid."

He said this deliberately.

Feng Ji's face suddenly changed when he heard this.

"But the soul-searching technique is also what I am best at. Although I have never used it on anyone, I believe in my ability, so you can rest assured." Mo Junlan looked at Feng Ji sincerely.

Everyone, "..."

This is really not credible at all.

"You haven't even tried it, how can you say you are good at it?" Qin Wang couldn't help saying.

"I just want him to relax." Mo Junlan sighed lightly, "I obviously have good intentions."

Qin Wang, "..."

He really can't see the other party's so-called good intentions at all.

His personality is obviously very bad.

"Be patient, I will be gentle, but the most important thing about soul-searching is not to resist. If you choose to resist desperately, you may really become an idiot." Mo Junlan said to Feng Ji, even raising his hand.

Feng Ji was immediately frightened, his face suddenly changed, and he hurriedly shouted, "Stop it."

"Don't be afraid, although I have never used soul-searching on anyone, I have a very good learning ability." Mo Junlan said seriously, "I promise I won't let your soul fly away."

Feng Ji looked at Mo Junlan with a serious face, and couldn't help biting his teeth and asked, "What do you want to ask?"

Mo Junlan suddenly sighed, looked at Feng Ji and said, "I have already said that I will search the soul, do you think I am joking with you?"

"Aren't you joking?" Qin Wang couldn't help but be shocked, he really thought Mo Junlan was just scaring the other party.

"What's so funny about this?" Mo Junlan glanced at Qin Wang with disdain.

Qin Wang was speechless.

"Brother Junlan is not familiar with you, so he won't joke with you." Ling Xiao said expressionlessly.

"Xiao Xiaoer knows me best." Mo Junlan smiled.

Everyone, "..."

Feng Ji's soul couldn't help but shrink back.

"Do you have anything else to ask him?" Mo Junlan turned to ask Xia Liu and Qin Wang. As for Chu Yunhai, he had already ignored him.

Chu Yunhai was also trying to reduce his presence.

"I have nothing to ask." Qin Wang replied.

"I only have one question." Xia Liu looked at Feng Ji and asked in a deep voice, "Why did you kill so many cultivators?"

Feng Ji's eyes flickered, as if he was thinking about how to explain.

"I think you asked a useless question." Mo Junlan turned to look at Feng Ji and said, "Isn't this obvious?"

Xia Liu, "..."

"As long as you find the right method, human essence can also be used for cultivation." Mo Junlan said lightly, "I have seen many fairies before, who seduce men and then absorb their essence to achieve the purpose of improving their cultivation."

Listening to Mo Junlan's words, they remembered that the dead monks seemed to be all male.

"Use his body to seduce other men?" Qin Wang's eyes swept towards Han Yuanxi, and he suddenly felt a little cold.

Han Yuanxi's face was also ugly.

"The reason why those fairies choose to seduce men is mostly because they are not strong enough, so they use this behavior to confuse the other party." Mo Junlan said lightly, "If the strength is strong enough, there is no need to seduce."

Everyone's expression was complicated.

"But all the essence he absorbed was transferred to his soul." Mo Junlan raised his eyebrows slightly, and continued to curl his lips, "So when his soul left the body, the body would age instantly, because he also absorbed the essence of the body."

Feng Ji didn't expect that all his actions were seen through by Mo Junlan, and his expression changed.

"Are they killing each other?" Qin Wang couldn't help but said with some sarcasm.

"It should be a one-sided suppression." Mo Junlan said.

Chapter 92 Bamboo Flute Folding Fan

Hearing this, Qin Wang glanced at Han Yuanxi again, and his tone couldn't help but carry a hint of pity, saying, "This guy is also quite miserable."

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