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Mo Junlan felt that he had good intentions, but Lingxiao felt that he could deal with higher-level monsters.

However, Lingxiao was destined to be defeated by Mo Junlan, so he could only obey Mo Junlan's arrangements.

Because Lingxiao knew Mo Junlan's temperament very well.

Anyway, as long as Mo Junlan decided something, no one could change his mind.

Unless Mo Junlan changed his mind himself.

So Lingxiao could only helplessly do the task that Mo Junlan took on for him.

At this time, Mo Junlan went to a small village.

The location of this small village is very close to Guangming City, so Mo Junlan chose to take this task.

Because he had to complete this task before the monthly exam.

In fact, Mo Junlan was not the only one who took on this task.

The monster that Mo Junlan had to deal with was called Qianhuan Poison Python. Although it was at level seven, it was very difficult to capture.

The most troublesome thing about Qianhuan Poison Python was that the poisonous mist it spewed out of its mouth was an extremely strong aphrodisiac.

If you get poisoned accidentally, it would be really miserable.

Mo Junlan recalled the information provided by the academy and did not disturb the villagers here.

The Thousand Illusion Poison Python is cruel by nature. It not only likes to eat humans, but also has strong attack power. In particular, the poisonous mist it spits out can also cause hallucinations in the poisoned.

The Thousand Illusion Poison Python hung out by the Guangming Academy has eaten humans and was cruel in this small village.

The villagers could not deal with the seventh-level Thousand Illusion Poison Python, so they went to Guangming Academy for help.

Mo Junlan never thought that he was a good person, because everything he did was purposeful.

For example, this time, the reason why he dealt with the Thousand Illusion Poison Python was just for the contribution points of Guangming Academy.

The location of this small village is close to the mountain, and Mo Junlan is walking in the forest at this time.

After going deep into the forest, Mo Junlan stopped, then took out the spiritual herbs and the alchemy furnace, and then began to refine the elixir.

In order to more surely deal with the Thousand Illusion Poison Python, Mo Junlan planned to refine a Breakthrough Pill first and improve his cultivation before fighting.

Anyway, there will be a battle in the end.

Now he happened to be outside, and the people from the Guangming Academy would not appear here to disturb him from refining the pill.

The Breakthrough Pill refined by Mo Junlan was at level six, and there were a total of ten pills after the pills were made.

After scanning the surrounding environment, Mo Junlan put away the pill furnace and tried to take a Breakthrough Pill first.

Although he told Lingxiao that there was no problem, before trying it, he could not be 100% sure that this pill would really have an effect on his body.

Mo Junlan took a deep breath, and then felt the spiritual power flowing in his body. After waiting for a while, his cultivation was actually no movement.

According to common sense, a cultivator only needs to take a Breakthrough Pill to directly break through the realm of cultivation.

However, after he took the pill, it was like a stone sinking into the sea without any waves.

"It's not working?" Mo Junlan muttered to himself, frowning, and then swallowed all the remaining nine pills in his hand.

This time, Mo Junlan finally felt that his cultivation level had loosened.

Mo Junlan couldn't help but feel happy, and hurriedly began to try to break through the level.

After a while, Mo Junlan's cultivation finally jumped directly from the initial stage of the Yuanling Realm to the peak of the Yuanling Realm.

"It's really not easy!" Mo Junlan couldn't help but sighed, "It takes ten level-breaking pills. What kind of rotten physique do I have!"

No, it's not that his physique is rotten.

It's the seal in his body that swallowed up the spiritual energy of the pill.

This is what he just noticed.

No wonder his cultivation has not been able to improve normally. It turns out that the spiritual energy he absorbed was swallowed up by that damn seal.

It's absolutely a lie to say that he is not angry.

Since Mo Junlan was able to practice, he has never felt so aggrieved.

"If I knew who put the seal, I would definitely make that bastard regret being born as a human." Mo Junlan snorted coldly, full of resentment.

After a while, Mo Junlan calmed down and began to think about how to deal with the Thousand Illusion Poison Python.

First, the Thousand Illusion Poison Python must be lured out.

"How to lure the snake out of the hole?" Mo Junlan raised his hand to touch his chin, half-closed his eyes, and then began to scan the surrounding environment.

According to the information provided by Guangming Academy, this Thousand Illusion Poison Python basically comes out at night to eat humans.

Appears once every three days.

"The Thousand Illusion Poison Python is not a monster that likes to move at night, so there must be something wrong." Mo Junlan murmured, "This Thousand Illusion Poison Python is very likely to be seriously injured, and it may also be eating humans frequently to heal its wounds."

Thinking of this, Mo Junlan suddenly had an idea and curled his lips and said, "I have a way."

Mo Junlan searched around in the space and finally found the dragon grass he wanted.

"As the saying goes, snakes that don't want to turn into dragons are not good snakes." Mo Junlan said with a smile.

Author's Gossip: [Three more]

Chapter 60 Not a hooligan

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