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It turned out that the other party was not from their Lin family at all.

Liu Xiangjing and Lin Yue lowered their heads at the same time.

Mo Junlan restrained the pressure on his body, and then set up a barrier around them to prevent them from escaping.

"In fact, I can kill you directly, and then search your souls. Anyway, the result is the same, and your memory will not lie." Mo Junlan smiled slightly.

But in the eyes of Lin Yue and Liu Xiangjing, Mo Junlan was like an evil ghost at this time, making them have to fear him.

"But I am cultivating myself now, so I won't kill people." Mo Junlan smiled lightly.

Lingxiao turned his eyes to Mo Junlan, and then communicated with Mo Junlan with his spiritual consciousness, saying, "Brother Junlan, can I kill people?"

He really asked this question many times today.

It can be seen how deep his resentment towards the people of the Lin family is.

"I've already said it, it's up to you." Mo Junlan also replied to Lingxiao with his spiritual sense, "It's me who is cultivating myself, not you."

Lingxiao smiled with satisfaction when he heard this.

Looking at Lingxiao's smile, the Lin family felt a little creepy.

Chapter 98: You're wronged

Lin Yue didn't dare to negotiate any more with Mo Junlan. After suppressing the anger in his heart, he slowly said, "I don't know if you are Lin Lan, but Lin Lan is indeed not my and Xiang Jing's biological child."

Hearing Lin Yue say this, Mo Junlan didn't feel surprised at all, after all, he had already guessed it.

After this, Lin Chengtian was stunned.

"Since Lin Lan is not your biological child, why did you bring him back? Let our Lin family raise him for so many years in vain." Wen Cai said in a dissatisfied tone.

Lin Yue lowered his head, pursed his lips, and then continued, "Eighteen years ago, Xiang Jing and I were injured by a thug when we passed a small town and were almost killed."

"Just when we thought we were going to die, a man suddenly appeared. He was holding a baby and talked to us about the conditions." Liu Xiang Jing recalled the situation at that time, and her hands could not help but clench subconsciously, and said, "He said that he could save our lives with elixirs, and even give us a large amount of cultivation resources. The exchange condition was that we adopt the baby in his hands."

"The name Lin Lan was also given by that man." Lin Yue continued, "At that time, we had just left the Lin Mansion for a year, so even if we took a baby back, it would be reasonable."

"In order to survive, we can only adopt that baby." Liu Xiang Jing couldn't help but look up at Mo Junlan, gritted her teeth, and said, "But the baby was very ugly, so we also despised it, but the conditions given by the man also made us very tempted."

So they finally agreed.

"What is the identity of that man?" Mo Junlan asked.

"I don't know." Lin Yue shook his head, and then said, "We don't know his name, let alone where he came from, but that man's cultivation is very profound. He killed several Star Spirit Realm cultivators with a wave of his hand. He just asked us to adopt that ugly baby."

"He gave you a lot of cultivation resources, right?" Ling Xiao said faintly.

When Lin Yue heard Ling Xiao's voice, his body trembled and he subconsciously said, "It's quite a lot."

"The reason why our cultivation was promoted so quickly during that period was entirely due to the cultivation resources that man gave us." Liu Xiangjing said.

"Is this considered child support?" Mo Junlan sneered.

Lin Yue and Liu Xiangjing both lowered their heads and didn't speak, obviously agreeing.

"Since that man gave you child support, why did you abuse Brother Junlan?" Ling Xiao gritted his teeth.

"We didn't abuse him." Lin Yue subconsciously retorted, after all, he really didn't beat Lin Lan.

"Not having enough to eat and not having a warm bed, isn't that considered abuse?" Ling Xiao smiled coldly and said, "Can you have some shame?"

"I have never hit him." Lin Yue's momentum was a little weak, his eyes flickered, and he said, "And that man also said that as long as Lin Lan is not dead, it's fine."

Hearing this, Ling Xiao turned his head to look at Mo Junlan and frowned, "Brother Junlan, I thought that man was your biological father!"

But now it seems that the man should not be Mo Junlan's biological father, otherwise how could he say such a thing?

Mo Junlan raised his hand and touched his chin, but said indifferently, "Letting others adopt me, but not wanting me to live too well, this is a bit weird no matter how you look at it!"

Ling Xiao couldn't help but frown.

"According to the situation, that man should be considered an enemy." Mo Junlan said.

"Then find the man and kill him." Ling Xiao said without thinking.

"What did the man say?" Mo Junlan looked at Lin Yue and Liu Xiangjing and asked, "And what does he look like?"

"We can't see his face." Liu Xiangjing whispered back, "When we saw him, he was wearing a black suit and a ghost mask on his face."

"He just asked us to adopt Lin Lan, and didn't say much to us." Lin Yue said, "He said as long as Lin Lan doesn't die, we can treat him however we want."

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