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"Maybe it's because our aesthetic vision is different." Mo Junlan smiled lightly, "You have to know that everyone is an independent individual, and their aesthetic vision is naturally different, but I think my aesthetic vision has always been normal."

"Is my aesthetic vision abnormal?" Xu Liuyun couldn't help but said a little depressed.

"I don't know about this." Mo Junlan smiled lightly and curled his lips, "After all, I don't know you well."

Xu Liuyun, "..."

I'm really speechless.

In addition to Xu Liuyun, others also began to look for teammates.

However, Mo Junlan and Lingxiao did not plan to find other people, because they were too lazy to be on guard, and it was not convenient for others to participate in what they were going to do.

Gong Luoxue stood beside Huang Ran, looking coldly in the direction of Mo Junlan and Lingxiao.

She already knew what happened to Gong Shu, who was her only brother, so how could she be indifferent?

It's just that she had never met Mo Junlan and Lingxiao when she was in Guangming College before.

Gong Luoxue is a student of the East Academy. She is now a fourth-level alchemist, with a cultivation level of the initial stage of the Yuanling Realm, and is 23 years old.

It is precisely because of her good talent in alchemy that she was directly accepted as a disciple by the elder Huang Ran.

Huang Ran is an earth-level alchemist.

In the Southern Spiritual Region, there are only a handful of heaven-level alchemists, and earth-level alchemists are naturally very popular.

Huang Ran also heard about Gong Shu, so he looked at Mo Junlan and Lingxiao with a bad look.

This bad look was not ignored by Mo Junlan and Lingxiao, but they didn't care.

After that, Luo Xi talked to them again before taking them to the city wall.

Standing on the city wall, the sea breeze blew in their faces, and it was actually full of blood. Many people frowned.

Looking from afar, there was an endless sea.

In addition, there are piles of monster corpses, so the bloody smell here is so strong.

Mo Junlan looked at the sea in front of him, and his eyes suddenly became a little deep.

The mayor of Donghai Fishing City is a middle-aged man with a slightly fat body. His cultivation is at the peak of the Moon Spirit Realm. His name is Zhang Dapang. At this time, he is also standing on the city wall. He treats Huang Ran and Luo Xi, who have higher cultivation than him, with a respectful attitude.

"Two elders, you finally came to support us. Donghai Fishing City is about to collapse." Zhang Dapang said helplessly, "I don't know what's going on with these monsters. They go crazy every two hours and keep attacking the city walls. If it weren't for the formation protection, I'm afraid Donghai Fishing City would have fallen long ago."

"Where are the first group of people coming?" Huang Ran frowned, "What on earth did they do?"

"Elder Zhao and the others are preparing for war now, because the time for the monsters to riot is approaching again." Zhang Dapang smiled bitterly, "The formation here really can't hold out for long, it can only hold out for another five days at most."

"It seems that the situation here is more serious than we thought." Luo Xi's face was not very good either.

"Brother Junlan, have you seen anything?" Lingxiao communicated with Mo Junlan with his spiritual sense.

"Not yet." Mo Junlan also replied to Lingxiao with his spiritual sense.

"There must be a reason for the sudden riot of the monsters, and according to what you said, the time is also very regular." Xu Liuyun looked at Zhang Dapang, raised his eyebrows, and said, "It's been so long, can't you find any clues?"

Zhang Dapang heard this and said awkwardly, "Because the monsters are all strong, and almost all live in groups, plus the current special situation, the sea is full of dangers, so..."

So no one dared to go deep into the sea to investigate the situation.

"I said so much, it's not because I'm afraid of death." Xu Liuyun curled his lips and said.

Zhang Dapang heard this and lowered his head in embarrassment.

"Only by finding out the reason can we find a way to stop the monster riot." Luo Xi said in a deep voice.

"City Lord, how long does the monster riot usually last?" Mo Junlan suddenly asked.

Zhang Dapang raised his head and subconsciously glanced at Mo Junlan, then replied, "About half an hour, but in the past few days, it seems to last longer and longer. Just yesterday, there was a monster riot that lasted for a full hour."

"Is it a riot day and night?" Mo Junlan asked again.

Zhang Dapang nodded and said, "It is indeed a riot day and night, so we have people guarding here whether it is day or night to prevent the monsters from attacking the city wall again."

"Apart from the emotional riot, do the monsters have any other abnormalities?" Mo Junlan continued to ask.

Zhang Dapang thought about it for a while, and then continued, "I haven't paid much attention to this aspect, but those monsters don't seem to have completely lost their minds."

"You asked so many questions, but have you thought of a solution?" Gong Luoxue looked at Mo Junlan and couldn't help but sneered, "If you can't think of it, then don't waste everyone's time here. After all, no one wants to listen to your nonsense."

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