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Mo Junlan's face suddenly became a little strange when he heard this.

Feng Jinghua looked at Mo Junlan with a half-smile, and said with a curled lip, "The yang in your body should not have been released yet."

Mo Junlan, "..."

"Don't be embarrassed, it's not shameful to be chaste." Feng Jinghua's eyes flickered, and he looked up at Mo Junlan, saying lightly, "And I can see that your physical condition is also due to the seal in your body."

"What do you mean?" Mo Junlan couldn't help asking.

"The seal in your body is very strange and special, but I'm sure it's a special method from the vast fairy land." Feng Jinghua looked at Mo Junlan and said slowly, "Once you have intercourse with someone, there will be signs of the five decays of heaven and man, and there may be more serious situations, such as the direct severance of meridians and death."

Mo Junlan, "..."

Fortunately, he has always been pure and unselfish.

He has never even done anything to vent himself.

He is even more pure and unselfish than a monk.

Feng Jinghua smiled lightly and said, "But you can rest assured. As long as the seal is removed, it should not affect your ability in that area."

Mo Junlan, "..."

"I have said everything I should say. You can try it with blood." Feng Jinghua said calmly.

Mo Junlan did not try the method Feng Jinghua said immediately, but narrowed his eyes first, then turned to look at Feng Jinghua, and said with a hooked lip, "I am a suspicious person, so before trying this method, please try it first."

Feng Jinghua frowned when he heard Mo Junlan's words and said, "I don't have to lie to you."

"That's hard to say." Mo Junlan smiled slightly.

Feng Jinghua, "..."

Does he look like a liar?

Mo Junlan walked towards Feng Jinghua, then took a few drops of his blood, and then turned around and put it on the barrier protecting the eye of the formation.

Feng Jinghua looked at Mo Junlan's back and his eyes flickered.

"No reaction?" Mo Junlan looked at the barrier without any reaction, and frowned.

"I've already said that my blood won't work." Feng Jinghua raised his eyebrows.

"Brother Junlan, do you really want to use your blood?" Lingxiao's voice suddenly sounded in Mo Junlan's mind, as if it contained a hint of displeasure.

"It should be okay to give it a try." Mo Junlan replied to Lingxiao's words with his spiritual sense, and he said, "And I can't see any strange problems with this barrier."

Not only Mo Junlan couldn't see it, even Lingxiao couldn't sense any problems.

So Lingxiao didn't say anything else.

Mo Junlan stood in front of the barrier, then cut his finger, and the bright red blood dripped on the barrier. Then, he attacked the barrier again.

The spiritual power hit the barrier, and this time, the barrier was instantly shattered.

Mo Junlan couldn't help but be stunned for a moment.

Feng Jinghua saw this, but suddenly laughed, and a hint of madness flashed in his eyes at the same time.

Unfortunately, Mo Junlan did not see the strange look in Feng Jinghua's eyes. He thought Feng Jinghua laughed like this because she was too happy.

To be honest, he still thought Feng Jinghua's laughter was ugly.

"Can you shut up?" Mo Junlan glanced at Feng Jinghua coldly.

Feng Jinghua looked at Mo Junlan, raised his chin, smiled, "I'm too happy."

"I know you are very happy now, but your laughter is too ugly, just like slaughtering a pig, people want to beat you up after hearing it." Mo Junlan said with disgust.

Feng Jinghua snorted coldly and said, "I'm in a good mood now, I won't argue with you."

Mo Junlan sneered, "You look more and more like a lunatic."

Feng Jinghua's expression suddenly became a little weird when he heard it. He looked at Mo Junlan and said, "How do you know I'm a lunatic?"

"So you are really a lunatic?" Mo Junlan seemed a little surprised.

Feng Jinghua snorted coldly, "That pair of bastards have always said that I am a lunatic."

Mo Junlan raised his eyebrows. He was a little interested in the pair of bastards Feng Jinghua mentioned, so he asked, "Who are those bastards?"

"They are not human." Feng Jinghua clenched his fists, his eyes were sinister, and he gritted his teeth and said, "I once told them that they would regret it sooner or later."

Mo Junlan's eyes moved, and he smiled with interest, "How do you plan to make them regret it?"

Feng Jinghua looked at Mo Junlan, his face was strange again, his eyes flickered, and he said with a smile, "You will know later."

"Why keep it a secret, boring!" Mo Junlan sneered.

Feng Jinghua stopped talking about this matter, frowned, and said, "Go and destroy the eye of the formation."

Mo Junlan looked at Feng Jinghua again, and then began to pull out the holy weapon that was the eye of the formation.

After the holy weapon was taken out, the formation was invalid.

At the same time, a large amount of spiritual energy also surged in.

Feng Jinghua felt the spiritual energy flowing around him, took a deep breath, and then laughed loudly, "This long-lost feeling is really nostalgic!"

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