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If he didn't have this ability today, he would be the one who was shattered.

When Liu Ji heard Mo Junlan's words, a look of horror flashed across her face.

However, this time, before Liu Ji finished begging for mercy, his soul had been burned by the Chaos Fire.

The screams from the soul sounded, and the Chaos Fire quickly burned Liu Ji's soul completely.

And Liu Ji was completely shattered.

After dealing with Liu Ji's soul, Mo Junlan turned his eyes to the ancestor of the Liu family who had become a fierce ghost.

"Your strength should be pretty good when you were alive, but unfortunately, you have become a fierce ghost now." Mo Junlan looked at the soul of the Liu family ancestor, raised his eyebrows, and said, "Your soul looks quite weak. If it weren't for the formation to maintain it, I'm afraid you would have been dead long ago."

The Liu family ancestor was still struggling, and his soul was now seriously damaged. In Mo Junlan's eyes, it was so weak that it would fall down at the slightest breeze.

"Forget it, I won't burn you with the Chaos Fire." Mo Junlan put away the Chaos Fire, and then took away the golden chain that trapped the Liu family ancestor.

The moment the Liu family ancestor's soul was freed, his eyes were red, and he pounced on Mo Junlan again fiercely.

"It's simply a tendency to self-abuse." Mo Junlan raised his hand and slapped the Liu family ancestor's soul directly.

The soul of the ancestor of the Liu family was tightly attached to the wall, and no matter how hard he struggled, he could not leave the wall. It was obvious that Mo Junlan had done something to his soul.

"Just lie on the wall and reflect on yourself." After Mo Junlan finished speaking, he turned around and left.

The soul of this ancestor of the Liu family was very weak, and he was also a fierce ghost full of resentment. Whether he was alive or dead, he probably harmed many people. This was something that heaven would not tolerate, so he now relied on the formation of the ancient tomb to exist until now, otherwise his soul would have been scattered.

Anyway, this ancestor of the Liu family will scatter when he sees the sun.

Although the way of heaven is ruthless, it is also fair in treating all living things.

For example, although he had a miserable life before, he later got a chance to defy heaven.

If there was no him before, there might not be him now.

The most important thing is, if he had not died and traveled to the immortal world of cultivation, then his little wife would not be where she is now!

So Mo Junlan always thought that he was actually the one who had the advantage.

After Mo Junlan left the tomb, he soon found Lingxiao.

Lingxiao was standing in front of the array center, seemingly waiting for Mo Junlan's arrival.

After seeing Mo Junlan, Lingxiao subconsciously asked, "Brother Junlan, are you okay?"

"I'm fine." Mo Junlan shook his head, and then told Lingxiao what had just happened.

After listening, Lingxiao snorted coldly, a hint of coldness flashed in his eyes, and said, "He died so quickly, it's really a bargain for him."

"There's no need to bother with that kind of person, anyway, his end is already very miserable." Mo Junlan chuckled.

"Fortunately, brother Junlan is not an ordinary cultivator, otherwise he might really get into trouble." Lingxiao frowned.

"It's okay now." Mo Junlan stretched out his hand to rub Lingxiao's head, and smiled lightly, "Let's take this array center first."

As Mo Junlan spoke, he turned his gaze to the huge spiritual bead in front of him.

The spiritual bead that served as the center of the formation was indeed very huge. It was actually about one head taller than him, and the combined width of his and Lingxiao's bodies was less than half the size of the spiritual bead.

"Such a large spiritual bead must have been tens of thousands of years old." Mo Junlan murmured.

"Brother Junlan, if we move the spiritual bead away directly, then this ancient tomb is likely to collapse." Lingxiao looked at Mo Junlan and said.

"There shouldn't be anything good in this ancient tomb." Mo Junlan couldn't help but sighed, "Although the ancient tomb looks very large, I have seen nothing else except corpses and bones along the way."

Lingxiao, "..."

"And there is nothing in the main tomb except a coffin." Mo Junlan frowned and said with a little dissatisfaction, "Even the main tomb is like this, let alone other places, there must be nothing."

"Then is our trip in vain?" Lingxiao said hesitantly.

"It's not a complete waste of effort, at least there is still a big spirit bead." Mo Junlan said meaningfully.

"That's right." Lingxiao nodded, "The power of this spirit bead should have some effect on brother Junlan's body."

When Mo Junlan was practicing, the power he needed was too great, and the current Lingxuan Continent could no longer meet Mo Junlan's needs.

So after Mo Junlan broke through to the Emperor Spirit Realm, his cultivation level has not increased at all.

This spirit bead, which has been around for tens of thousands of years, naturally contains a huge amount of power, even compared to the entire spirit vein, it is not much less.

"I hope so!" Mo Junlan narrowed his eyes, and he was naturally very clear about the condition of his body.

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