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"I don't think I will die." Xu Liuyun said with a smile, "I am different from others."

At this time, Shangguan Hao suddenly came over and said, "The Xu family members of Haohan Xianlu are indeed different from other students of Guangming Academy."

"Damn it!" Xu Liuyun's face suddenly changed when he heard this, and he quickly turned to look at Shangguan Hao, and said in shock, "How did you know?"

Mo Junlan and Lingxiao also turned to look at Shangguan Hao at the same time.

Shangguan Hao didn't say anything.

Xu Liuyun suddenly approached Shangguan Hao and whispered in his ear, "Are you also from Haohan Xianlu?"

Shangguan Hao just glanced at Xu Liuyun lightly, and still didn't answer him.

But Xu Liuyun had been aroused by Shangguan Hao's curiosity, so he continued to question Shangguan Hao.

While Shangguan Hao was being annoyed by Xu Liuyun, Mo Junlan and Lingxiao were also whispering, and they communicated with their spiritual consciousness.

"Brother Junlan, they all seem to be from Haohan Xianlu." Lingxiao lowered his eyes, his expression indifferent.

"No matter who they are, they have nothing to do with us." Mo Junlan's expression remained unchanged, and his emotions hardly fluctuated.

"Brother Junlan, I was actually thinking... if something unexpected happened in the Ascension Conference, maybe we could use them." Lingxiao said truthfully.

"Xiao'er!" Mo Junlan suddenly said.

"Hmm?" Lingxiao looked at Mo Junlan with a puzzled look.

"Why are you also worried about the future?" Mo Junlan turned his head to look at Lingxiao, as if sighing.

Lingxiao, "..."

"But your idea is very good." Mo Junlan chuckled, "But I still don't want any accidents to happen."

Lingxiao, "..."

After a while, under the leadership of Xia Liu, everyone finally started to leave Guangming Academy.

They first used the teleportation array to leave Guangming Academy and went directly to another city.

"This city is called Gudao City. Although it doesn't look as prosperous as Guangming City, it also has a long history. Anyway, you must be careful after entering the city, because Gudao City has never been a peaceful place..." The elder who spoke was called Mu Xian, who was at the peak of Chen Ling Realm. He said slowly, "There are many thugs in Nanling Territory, and they all run here."

"Why did those thugs run to Gudao City?" Qin Mengxuan couldn't help asking, she was also one of the people who were going to participate in the Ascension Conference.

"Because after leaving Gudao City, it is the Shadow Forest." Mu Xian continued, "As long as you enter the Shadow Forest, even the cultivators of the Emperor Spirit Realm will find it difficult to tell the direction."

"In fact, the thoughts of those thugs are easy to guess. When they are escaping, entering the Shadow Forest is the best choice." Another elder named Liu Qi also said.

"No wonder the people on the street look so fierce." Qin Mengxuan couldn't help but mutter, "It turns out that they are all really vicious people."

"So you all have to be careful and don't offend people here casually, so as not to cause trouble." Mu Xian said lightly, "It's also a waste of time."

Everyone, "..."

"I don't want to cause trouble, but what if someone else comes to provoke us first?" Xu Liuyun couldn't help but speak.

"If you can't bear it anymore, you don't have to bear it anymore." Xia Liu said.

Everyone, "..."

"It's getting late, let's rest in the city for one night and set off tomorrow." Xia Liu continued, "There should be an inn in the city."

Mo Junlan and Lingxiao walked side by side, scanning the surrounding environment at the same time.

However, even if they didn't want to cause trouble, trouble still came to them.

"Hehe, that little beauty is pretty." A naked look fell on Lingxiao, and there were also disgusting words.

Mo Junlan and Lingxiao stopped immediately.

The person who spoke was a middle-aged man who looked quite wretched, and he was looking at Lingxiao with a very evil look.

There were three women in their team, one of whom was Qin Mengxuan.

The other two were also students of Guangming College, named Tang Yiyi and Xiao Rou.

As women in the team, they all thought that the middle-aged man was teasing them. After all, most people would not think of teasing men, so their faces turned ugly in an instant.

Qin Mengxuan had the worst temper, and immediately shouted at the middle-aged man, "You ugly bastard dared to tease others in broad daylight, it's really disgusting."

Mo Junlan and Lingxiao looked at Qin Mengxuan in surprise when they heard it.

"How dare you talk to me like this? Are you tired of living?" The middle-aged man looked at Qin Mengxuan with a sinister look.

"If you hadn't teased me first, do you think I would have looked at you more?" Qin Mengxuan smiled coldly.

Mo Junlan, "..."

Ling Xiao, "..."

They seemed to have misunderstood something.

Tang Yiyi and Xiao Rou's faces changed when they heard Qin Mengxuan's words, and they felt awkward inexplicably.

"Bah!" The middle-aged man heard the words and said with disgust, "I don't like women."

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