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Mo Junlan, "..."

So this guy really went to rob.

"Alas, when can I get back to my peak state!" Feng Jinghua said with a frustrated look.

"Xiao'er, don't learn from him." Mo Junlan turned to Lingxiao and said earnestly.

Lingxiao nodded and said, "I only learn from brother Junlan."

"So good!" Mo Junlan smiled with narrowed eyes, and reached out to rub Lingxiao's head.

Feng Jinghua, "..."

Did he do anything wrong again?

It was just robbing a bastard. He was obviously getting rid of harm for the people.

But he looked at Mo Junlan and Lingxiao, and he couldn't say it.

Because he felt that even if he said it, he would probably be ridiculed by them in the end.

He was so miserable!

Now he was bullied by a dog in a flat land.


Coming out of the teleportation array, it was Donghai Fishing City.

Mo Junlan and Lingxiao had both been to Donghai Fishing City before. They left the city without asking anyone and went directly to the beach.

Mo Junlan and Lingxiao stood side by side on the rocks, letting the sea breeze blow their robes.

Feng Jinghua glanced at the surrounding environment, then frowned and said, "Is there no boat here?"

"Just fly over." Mo Junlan said calmly, "The boat is too slow."

Feng Jinghua, "..."

He was afraid that his strength could not support him to fly such a long distance.

However, Mo Junlan and Lingxiao did not intend to bring Feng Jinghua with them, so they ignored Feng Jinghua's entanglement.

Mo Junlan summoned the Lingxiao Sword with a thought.

"Xiao'er, let's go!" Mo Junlan flew onto the Lingxiao Sword and stretched out his hand to Lingxiao.

Lingxiao blinked, then held the hand that Mo Junlan extended, then jumped up, and then stood on the sword with both feet.

"What should I do?" Feng Jinghua stared at the Lingxiao Sword with burning eyes.

"You decide for yourself." After Mo Junlan finished speaking, he did not give Feng Jinghua any chance to react, and flew away directly on the sword. Their figures soon turned into a small light spot, and then disappeared.

On the spot, only Feng Jinghua was left alone to blow the sea breeze.


The Lingxiao Sword can be enlarged or reduced, and it will automatically generate a barrier, and its speed is as fast as the wind and lightning. It is obviously much more useful than a boat.

Mo Junlan and Lingxiao sat directly on the sword, and Mo Junlan even took out the cakes he had prepared before to eat.

The distance between the Southern Spiritual Region and the Eastern Spiritual Region is still very far.

Even if they flew at the fastest speed, it took them a day and a night to reach the land of the Eastern Spiritual Region.

After landing, Mo Junlan put away the Lingxiao Sword.

There was a sea in front and a dense forest behind.

Mo Junlan and Lingxiao walked towards the forest.

"Xiao'er, how do you feel when you fly on your own body?" Mo Junlan suddenly asked curiously.

"No feeling!" Lingxiao said truthfully.

"Why not?" Mo Junlan raised his eyebrows.

"Because I'm always looking at Brother Junlan." Lingxiao whispered, and his expression seemed a little shy.

"Then am I good-looking?" Mo Junlan suddenly leaned close to Lingxiao's ear and asked with a low smile.

"Good-looking!" Lingxiao nodded.

"So Xiao'er likes this face of mine!" Mo Junlan stretched out his hand and poked Lingxiao's cheek, his expression depressed, and said in a lost tone, "But my current face is fake."

Lingxiao, "..."

"Xiao'er, take another look at my face." Mo Junlan raised his eyebrows, and then removed the illusion on his face.

Lingxiao turned his head when he heard this, and suddenly a peerless face came into his eyes.

Looking at this beautiful face in front of him, Lingxiao suddenly felt his heartbeat speed up, and his cheeks couldn't help but blush instantly.

Really beautiful like a fairy in a painting!

Seeing Lingxiao's reaction, Mo Junlan smiled with satisfaction.

After coming back to his senses, Lingxiao couldn't help but ask, "Brother Junlan, don't you use illusions on your face?"

"My face is not shameful." Mo Junlan raised his eyebrows lightly, reached out and touched his face, his eyes were as bright as the stars in the night sky, and smiled, "I can't wear a fake mask all my life."

Lingxiao nodded and said, "Brother Junlan's real face is better."

As Mo Junlan said, his face is not shameful, why should he live with a fake mask all the time?

The tall and lush branches blocked the warm rays of the sun, casting only scattered spots of light on the ground. Suddenly, a cool breeze blew, and the swaying branches and leaves made a rustling sound.

Mo Junlan and Ling Xiao walked in the woods, and they had not encountered any monsters so far.

At this moment, they suddenly heard a very annoying voice, which came from the front not far away.

"I haven't met such a beautiful woman for a long time."

I saw a woman and several young men being surrounded by a group of people.

The group of people who surrounded them looked ferocious, and many of them had lustful eyes.

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