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The boundless sea is inhabited by countless races.

Because the Southern Spiritual Region is far away from the Eastern Spiritual Region, even if there is a strange phenomenon of monster riots, it will not affect the Eastern Spiritual Region for the time being, so it has not attracted the attention of the people in the Eastern Spiritual Region until now.

Or, the people in the Eastern Spiritual Region may not know the situation here yet.

Mo Junlan is still flying deeper and deeper into the seabed.

As he goes deeper and deeper into the seabed, the light becomes darker and darker, and the surrounding environment gives people a suffocating feeling.

"Xiao'er!" Mo Junlan suddenly paused.

"Brother Junlan, what's wrong?" Lingxiao asked hurriedly.

"I suddenly feel..." Mo Junlan looked depressed and sighed, "I seem to be a little stupid."

"Huh?" Lingxiao couldn't help but be startled when he heard it.

"Do I look like I'm looking for a needle in a haystack now?" Mo Junlan said with a tangled expression.

Lingxiao, "..."

"This won't work. I have to think of a way..." Mo Junlan raised his hand and touched his chin, then fell into deep thought.

Lingxiao was silent.

"It's a pity that we can't understand the beast language." Mo Junlan sighed, "Otherwise we can catch those monsters and ask them."

Lingxiao, "..."

It's really a pity.

At this moment, Mo Junlan suddenly heard a noise.

It was the sound of fighting.

Mo Junlan's ears moved slightly, and then he immediately turned and flew towards the source of the sound.

As the sound got closer, Mo Junlan finally saw who was fighting.

It was a human and a huge monster.

Mo Junlan looked at the figure of the human and couldn't help but narrow his eyes. In addition to him, there were other people here at the bottom of the sea?

"But this person's figure seems a little familiar!" Mo Junlan raised his hand and touched his chin, his eyes deep. After a moment, the corners of his mouth suddenly rose slightly, and he smiled and said, "Oh, I remember, I seem to have seen this guy just now..."

"No impression!" Lingxiao's calm voice sounded in Mo Junlan's mind.

The human who was fighting with the monster was named Shangguan Hao. He was very handsome, but his temperament was as cold as frost, and he looked like a stranger who didn't want to be approached.

"Hey, his cultivation is actually higher than mine." Mo Junlan had already seen Shangguan Hao's cultivation, and seemed to be a little surprised.

"Brother Junlan, your cultivation in your previous life was also higher than his." Lingxiao thought Mo Junlan was unhappy, so he comforted him, "In your previous life, you only needed one finger to kill him."

Mo Junlan could feel Lingxiao's emotional changes, but Lingxiao could not sense Mo Junlan's emotional ups and downs.

"Xiaoxiao'er, a hero doesn't mention his past bravery." Mo Junlan responded with his spiritual sense.

"Brother Junlan, your fighting power is stronger than his." Lingxiao said again, "So don't be unhappy, otherwise I will want to kill someone."

Mo Junlan couldn't help but twitch his mouth, and then continued to communicate with Lingxiao with his spiritual sense, explaining, "Xiao'er, I'm not unhappy."

How did Lingxiao know that he was unhappy?

They really didn't have enough tacit understanding!

"No?" Lingxiao asked a little uncertainly.

"No!" Mo Junlan replied firmly.

Lingxiao was silent.

At the same time, Shangguan Hao had already noticed the existence of Mo Junlan. His cultivation was at the peak of the Sun Spirit Realm, and he was now a student of Guangming Academy.

Shangguan Hao came to Donghai Fishing City with Zhao Gang. He was also one of the people who took the task. Just now when he was on land, he happened to meet Mo Junlan.

He remembered Mo Junlan.

After all, what Mo Junlan did on land just now was indeed unforgettable.

However, Shangguan Hao was concentrating on dealing with the monsters at this time, so he had no free time to care about Mo Junlan.

Mo Junlan originally just wanted to watch the battle quietly, but the monster was not blind. After noticing Mo Junlan's existence, it actually had spare energy to attack Mo Junlan.

"Are you blind? I'm not hitting you!" After Mo Junlan avoided the monster's attack, he couldn't help but cursed, "It doesn't matter if the brain is empty, the key is not to let water get in."

"Brother Junlan, this is the sea, surrounded by water, it's normal for its brain to get water." Lingxiao's voice sounded in Mo Junlan's mind again.

Mo Junlan, "..."

So he shouldn't bother with a monster with water in its brain, right?


He is very narrow-minded.

Anyway, he will take revenge.

Of course, Lingxiao didn't mean to let Mo Junlan just let it go.

However, Mo Junlan's words didn't work, because the monster attacked him again.

"Fight if you want, do you think I'm afraid of you, a big-headed ghost?" Mo Junlan snorted coldly, and his figure moved with it.

Shangguan Hao, "..."

Author's chat: Muah! If you want to know more exciting content, please leave me a message on Liancheng Reading:)

Chapter 68: Heavenly Poison Illusion Crystal

The monster's head is big and round, connected to the head is a long snake-like body, which looks like a tadpole, but is ten feet long.

Anyway, Mo Junlan has never seen this kind of monster before.

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