A Birthday Gift

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Percy was in trouble. The reason for him being in trouble was that tomorrow was his girlfriend's birthday and he did not have a gift for her yet. He wanted to get her the perfect gift but had no idea what to get. Percy had thought about getting her jewelry or something but none of that seemed special enough for her.Even though Percy was sure he would not be able to get Annabeth something at the mall he decided that it would be a good place to start.

Magnus was in New York City for his cousin's birthday tomorrow but he had a problem. He had no idea what to get her.Magnus was walking through the mall when he came across a bookstore that had a certain feel to it. It looked very old and as Magnus approached the window he found a display of books in Hieroglyphics, Latin, Ancient Greek, and Old Norse(the only one out of the four that he could actually read). Magnus decided that this would be an amazing place to look for something for his cousin.

As Percy was walking through the mall he thought he saw a familiar mop of blond hair. Could that be Annabeth? He thought to himself as he approached the figure. The person was standing outside of a bookstore with lots of old books in the front. Some of the text on the books he could reconis like Hieroglyphics, Latin and Ancient Greek but others he couldn't even tell what language they were in.Percy moved even closer to the figure and realized that it was not Annabeth however, he was pretty close in his guess."Magnuss is that you?" he asked as the bold with sparkling gray eyes who looked so much like his girlfriend turned around."Yes. Is that you Percy? What Are you doing here?" Magnus was very surprised to see his cousin's boyfriend outside of a bookstore."I was actually looking for a present for Annabeth since tomorrow is her birthday," Percy said apologetically, ashamed for not having already gotten his girlfriend a present."Oh, same here. I was going to look in this store and then maybe somewhere else. Between the two of us we're sure to find something." Magnus was hopeful that Percy would agree. They were both doomed if they were going to try and find a present by themselves but together they could probably get something decent."Yes please, it would be amazing if we could help each other!"The pair of boys strolled into the bookstore. At the same time they felt a very strong presence and a lady that looked a lot like Annabeth walked up from behind the counter.Percy neeld and Magnus looked very confused."Who is this?" Magnus asked."In a way your aunt." The response the lady gave confused magnus even more."All the people I consider to be my aunts are either dead or gods.""Well at least you got one thing right," Percy muttered."Athena!?" Magnus said hastily, kneeling."Correct young heroes. Now I believe you are both here for something for my daughter.""Yes," Percy said."I think you will each be able to find something here. Also Preceos," Athena said, handing a small box to Percy, "this is for my daughter. From Me." Then Athena vanished."Well then what do we do now?" Percy asked."I think we look for something for Annabeth," Magnus sassed. They both split up looking for something for her but could find nothing.Percy then stumbled across a book that had many forms of writing in it. There were parts in Latin, Ancient Greek, Hieroglyphics, and what he finally recognised as Old Norse. From the parts that Percy could decipher he could tell that it was part of a guide to all four mythologies. He Knew that he had to get it for Annabeth.Magnus was looking through all of the shelves and finally came across something that looked like Annabeth would like. It was a book written in Old Norse, Latin, Ancient Greek, and Hieroglyphics. He did not know exactly what it ment but knew it was for his cousin.After leaving some red gold(I think that is what it is called) Dracma and american dollars the two boys left the store with both books. They each had a way to wrap them at home.As they were walking through the streets of New York they saw a huge beast with black fur."Hellhound," Percy muttered under his breath at the same time Magnus muttered "Helhound."They both charged. Percy had Riptide outstretched and Magnus was fighting with his sword mid battle."But Senior, the Riptied blade is Sooooo hot.""Not the time Jack. Not the time."In minutes the best was dust."Well that was certainly an experience." As Percy spoke he eyed the runestone necklace that Jack had turned into. He did not expect to meet him again after the last time when Jack hit on riptide but unfortunately with mythology you never know."You can say that again."The next day neither Percy nor Magnus mentioned the little adventure and it never got brought up again.

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