The Hunt

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Happy Birthday Reyna!!!!

This is not specifically a ship because I don't know how to feel about shipping Reyna and Thalia but you can view it as one if you wish.

POV Reyna

I woke up screaming this morning, I just couldn't forget that night. That fateful night when I shot my father.

A few minutes after I sat up in bed shaking off the nightmare I heard a knock on the flap of my tent.

"Hi," I said in a slightly shaky voice.

"Hi, you ok?" Thalia asked from outside the door.

"Uh... yeah. It was just a nightmare."

"Do you want to talk, or..."

"No, I'm fine, thank you." I brushed off the concern I heard in Thalia's voice.

I got ready for the day and was soon outside of my tent and packing up. It was around six in the morning, a typical time for The Hunt to be leaving their campsite from the night before. We were on the road(figuratively speaking) by six o two.

I crochet down behind a bush like Thalia had taught me to months ago. We had spotted something. I didn't know exactly what it was. I looked similar to a dear but Thalia seemed especially interested in it. Since Lady Artemis was off doing Zeus knows what she was in charge.

I would have thought that after being a hunter for almost a year I would be considered at least somewhat experienced, especially because they had lost so many hunters in Puerto Rico. However, that was not the case. Despite losing so many people there were still so many more experienced hunters than me.

I was snapped out of my thoughts by the twanging of a bow.

"Are you alright?" one of the older hunters asked me in a slightly British sounding accent when I jumped at the shot she had just fired.

"Yeah," I said for the second time today, however meaning it slightly more now.

I then noticed that the older hunter had made her mark and the rest of the girls were now crowding around the slayed beast. I jogged over as well to look at it.

The monster was very impressive, now that I was closer to it I could see that it was at least the size of a moose with pointed teeth and hooves that looked like they could spear you. It was slightly unnerving to look at.

After it eventually disintegrated into a pile of golden dust we started to make camp. You would think that after we killed a monster we would try and make camp as far away from that spot as possible but that was not how we roll. For some reason eons ago Lady Artimas decided that the best place to camp was the place where we slayed our last beast. I did not know the exact reason behind this but we almost never got attacked in the night so I was not complaining.

The night was peaceful and I thankfully did not have a night watch.

I woke up the next morning, without any screaming this time thankfully, to the sounds of nature and I was reminded of one of the reasons I decided to join The Hunt in the first place.

I got up and had breakfast, then continued on to a typical day. We walked, hiked, and got around in various ways, fighting some monsters and eventually made camp.

"Finally, a normal day. I never thought I would be able to say that."

PJ OneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now