The Afterlife

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So I think I must be on a depressive kick right now because that is mainly what I'm pumping out.I came up with this idea the other day and it is slightly sad but has a kind of happy ending. I will not spoil too much but if you don't want to read anything sad then do not read this.Oh and Trigger Warning may contain mentions of suicide self hare and negative thoughts.

POV Will

I was sitting in the infermer taking a small break after I was done dealing with a hoard of patients. I was needed at the moment but could not help. I was in the middle of a mental breakdown.

At the moment I could only think of Nico. One of my patients had just died and it reminded me so much of him.

When he died last year.

A pang of helplessness overtook me and I decided to go into one of the few empty rooms.I was having a flashback to a little less than a year ago when this helpless war had started when Nico had died.

Someone had found out about the demigods and felt threatened by them. Thalia was the only child of the big three left and she was on the battlefield right now. For all I knew she was dead as well.

A/N I do not exactly know how self harm works and this will be my interpretation of it. *Trigger Warning here I will give a brief summary at the end of it.*I was overcome with the urge to hurt myself for not being able to protect any of the people I considered friends or family. I was not even able to do my job right. I could not help any of the many people who needed me at the moment.

Then I was overcome with the memory of the last time this happened.

I was staring at Nico's lifeless body. He had just died. I had just declared him dead.

So many people were crying and not just for Nico, for Percy and Hazel. Annabeth and Frank had just left the room no longer wanting to look at the bodies of their lifeless partners.

Now it was after the funeral I was in the Hades cabin looking at all of my boyfriend's stuff.

I saw his sword. I wanted to hurt myself with it for letting him die. For letting Nico die. I grabbed it. It was MY fault that my boyfriend was dead.

Then I heard a voice.

"Will!" I felt ghostly arms wrap around my waist. "Don't do this, to yourself! Don't do this to me!" I could hear the pain in his boyfriend's voice as he turned around, dropping the sword.

"Nico, I thought you were dead." I tried to hug my boyfriend but I could not. He was a spirit.

"That is because I am mio amore." that pulled on my heartstrings.

"Will, I am dead and I can not come back. I will wait for you though. I will wait for you to die. I will always be with you watching over you."

"Nico! I want to be with you now!" I tried to argue with my boyfriend.

"No Will! You are not going to kill yourself for me! I will not let you," he said definitely.

"But Nico," I tried to argue but he was having none of it.

"No Will. No buts. You are very important and will save so many lives you must conti to live at least for the moment." I was so torn I wanted with every fiber of my being to be with my boyfriend but I knew what he said was the truth.

I thought of this as I was sitting in the empty room.I thought of how disappointed in me Nico would be for not even trying.

I got up pulled myself together and started to busy myself helping wherever I could.

*End trigger warning* What happened was basically that Will had a memory of when Nico died and talking to his ghost Nico told Will to not give up and then he mustered enough courage to go back out.

A few minutes later I was taking care of a younger camper. Her injuries were not too bad so I was able to discharge her.

Almost immediately after the camper had left the infirmary I heard a large boom. Then I felt pain everywhere as my world went black.

After what seemed like an eternity I started to hear voices.

"Yes and you know who else to get," One said.

"Yes and of course you will get him," said another. I had no idea who was talking and about how they were talking about.

My body ached so much so it took me a while to open my eyes. However once I did I was met with the face of the most beautiful person on the planet.

"Nico?" I said in surprise. As I spoke he enveloped me in a warm hug. I melted into it.

"Will," he said lovingly. Then I realized something.

"What if I'm hugging you does that mean I'm dead." He looked sadly at me for a moment.

"Yes Will. there was an explosion. All of the camp is gone."

"W-what!" I exclaimed.

"Don't worry Hazel and I have taken care of everything. Everyone is going to Elysium and a special few will be living in the palace with me and her if they want to," with the last of his words he looked at me.(A/N I was going to put strait at me and then I realized that would not work)I was still taken aback by all of this. He seemed to release this and put his hand in front of me.

"Come on Will, you were the last to wake and I needed to explain some stuff to you."

We continued to walk hand in hand in the underworld. Soon they reached the river styx. I still had bad memories of this place but I put them aside.

The ghost parted for my boyfriend as we made our way to the front of the line.

"My lord," A hooded man said as he let me and Nico onto the boat. I was surprised to not see any demigods I recognised as we walked through the entirety of the underworld making our way to Hades pales but I supposed they had gotten the same or a similar treatment to me.

As we were walking through the halls of Hades palace Nico pulled me aside for a moment.

"Will, I was wondering if you would be alright with staying in my father's place with me and some other people," he gushed out.

"Yes of course I would love that," I started. "But I was wondering if like we would be sleeping in the same room or like..."

He laughed at that.

"If you are alright with it we would be sharing a room then the other people like the sevin and Reyna and stuff will ether be sharing a room with their partner, have their own room if they do not have one, or will manly live in Elysium and sometimes stay in a guest room hear." I smiled at that. Most of the time you could never tell that my boyfriend was from the 1930s but this was not most of the time. He could get really awkward with stuff like this.

"Of course I would love to share a room with you sunshine," I gently teased. After a lot more explaining and re-introducing me to his father Nico led me up to his. No. Our room.

We had been talking to our friends and each other. It was like we were back at camp before everything went down. We didn't even have to worry about monsters.

I loved it here. Before I climbed into bed I gently kissed my boyfriend.

I could really get used to being dead.

So, that was something. It was kind of sad and reminded me of the end of "The Chronicles Of Narnia."

I have an idea for a second one so please tell me if I should do it. Should I do this from Nico's POV?

Thank you so much for reading!!!!!!!

PJ OneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now