The Infirmary

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So this is a continuation of the last one but now Nico is getting dragged to the infirmary. It will be similar to a normal three days in the infirmary except they are dating already kind of. Also this one is in first person.

I know how dirty some parts sound but that is not what I meant them to sound like that was the only way I could think of how to wright them.

POV Nico

Will dragged me out of my cabin heading toward what I assumed to be the infirmary.

"So three whole days stuck with my ex-boyfriend in an infirmary that he runs." Will gave me a reproachful look as I spoke the words though the two of us stayed quite till we got to the infirmary.

Will dragged me to a private room and closed the door. Then with a slightly shaky breath started to talk. "Nico, do you really think that low of me because if you want to adult cut it off-" I interrupted him.

"I was joking Will. Of course I still want to be your boyfriend but when I said that I was not sure if you wanted to be mine." I wrapped my arms around him and he soaked into the hug.

"I missed you a lot," He mumbled into my shoulder somehow desiopt being about a foot taller than me.

"I missed you too," I told him.

"Now sit down from that hug alone I can tell that you need a lot of rest and recuperation." I ground and he laughed.

"Come on Nico on the bed."

I tried to fight my boyfriend o but it was no use, he was right. I was weak especially after the battle so I did what I was told and sat down on the white linen sheets.

"So Nico, are you going to tell me what injuries you have sustained in all of the battles you have been in or will I have to guess," Will half teased.

"Um... I don't have too many fiscal injuries," I started trying and failing at the moment to think of all of the words I had gotten in the past few months. Will looked at me skeptical and then jabbed me in the ribs with his finger.

The way he poked me would typically not hurt in the slightest and he knew that but I flinched as his finger made contract. It was at that moment that I remembered the partially healed lacerations from Likayon.

"And what might those be Nico?" Will said gazing at me intently with his gorgeous blue eyes and a raised eyebrow.

"I may have forgotten that I ran into Licaon with Coach Hedge and Reyna a few weeks ago and got scratched by him." I spoke in a soft and tentative manner waiting for my boyfriend to explode.

"Nico di Angelo, you mean to tell me that you got scratched by the king of were wolves and are just now telling me this fact! The cuts could have gotten infected or-" I cut him off.

"Reyna did stitch them up and they had not been bothering me so I thought they were fine."

My boyfriend gave me a very stern look that meant, you idiot.

"Well I need to get throws taken care of now I'm a go get the supplies be back in a minute." and with that he was gone.

I lay back down on the bed relaxing for the first time in what felt like forever, within five minutes Will was back clutching some medical supplies.

"Nico, can you take your shirt off for me please?" he asked in a casual tone as he closed the door. I stared at him as he said the words.

Once he looked at my facial expression he laughed. "Not in that way you idiot I need to treat your wounds so you have to take off your shirt."

I was not sure how much better that made me feel. Sure Will had seen me shirtless many times for a multitude of reasons but that was all before the pit.

He looked up from the medical supplies he was laying out and locked eyes with me. "Will I."

"Nico I am your boyfriend and your doctor as well as your friend. I have seen you shirtless too many times to count and I will not judge you for any and all of the additional scars you have sustained in your recent journey." Will's words soothed me enough for his words to set in. I took off my shirt and Will gapsted.

I hid my face in my hands ashamed of what I had shown him. I knew that I should not show him but I did it anyway.

Suddenly I felt warm arms wrapped around my body soothing and comforting my aking mussels, I relaxed into the hug letting my guard down enjoying this time despite it being so recently after a war.

Will quietly tended my wounds letting me lean against him when it was required. We had been in this position so many, no, too many times before.

After treating my wounds Will went off to go treat other patients promising to come back and bring me supper. I trusted him and it paid off.

After a few hours at dinner time Will came back with two plates of food and some clothes. I looked quickly at the clothes and he laughed at my expression.

"I had been hearing some screams at night from a few different cabins and earlier I ran into Annabeth and Percy. They explained to me their dreams and I figured you were having some similar ones."

"So?" I asked, still confused on why he had two sets of pajamas in his hands. He sat a bowl of soup in front of me and I started eating.

"So, I figured since sleeping together helped them, why would it not help you." I almost spit out my soup at that.

"Solace, you are suggesting sleeping together?" I had know idea what to think of that.

"Now that you say it out loud it sounds much worse than in my head but yeah." Nico pashed for a moment.

"Sure," he said without much emotion. Though he said the words without much emotion the inside of his head was reeling not knowing what to think in the slighted.

After their dinner Will checked me over one last time and then the two got ready for bed. Though I hated to admit it, but that night I slept the best I had slept in a long while.

PJ OneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now