In The Stars

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I forget exactly what happened in that book so some of this is improvised.

The majority of the italicized part and some of the not italicized parts are basically just paraphrased with some more added details for the Rick Riordan books

A searing pain shot through my side as I got away from Ladon. I tried to ignore the pain as I continued.

We were now in the midst of battle. I was shooting arrow after arrow at my father but all they seemed to do was get him more and more angry. To add on to all of this the pain in my side was getting even worse.

I saw my father swipe at lady Artemis. She was on the ground now and he was about to kill her.

That was when I snapped.

"NO!" I shouted jumping in front of my father trying to protect Artemis. I shot an arrow directly into his forehead and it logged there. This again only seemed to make him more angry and he simply backhanded me into a pile of rocks.

From there on time was lucid. The pain was so great I kept drifting in and out of consciousness.

Then, all of a sudden the stars were all I could pay attention to. The bright balls of gas in the sky that I felt I hadn't really seen in years.

I vaguely noticed bodies flickering around me.

"Can't you heal her with magic?" I noticed a boy's voice asked in a moment of clarity. Perseus, Perseus Jackson.

I felt Artims reach over my body in an attempt to heal me. I grabbed her wrist and looked into her arms. I felt like I was begging her not to heal me. To not even try.

"Have I served well?" I asked.

"With great honor," Artemis said in hushed towns, " the finest of my attendants."

I loosened up. "Rest. At last."

I faded out for a few seconds then saw Thalia, locked eyes and took her hands.

"I am sorry we argued," I said. "We could have been sisters."

"It's my fault," Thalia said, trying not to cry. "You were right about Luke, Heroes, men—everything."

"Perhaps not all men," I muttered. chansing a faint smile at the Perseus boy. "Do you still have the sword Percy?"

He did not say a word but brought out Anaklusmos.

"You spoke the truth, Percy Jackson. You are nothing Hercules. I am honored that you carry this sword."

"Zoë–" he said.

"Stars," I whispered. "I can see the stars again my lady."

I saw a tear fall down Artemis's cheek. "Yes, my brave one. They are beautiful tonight."

"Stares," I repeated, eyes glued to the night sky.

The next thing I remembered I was in them. In the stars able to look at whatever I pleased.

It was years later when I was looking down at a hill in Greece that I noticed two familiar fingers.

"Bob says hello," Perseus Jackson told the stars. I smiled at that. Smiled for the first time in a while knowing exactly who that message was from.

Now here is some less depressing stuff.

Now here is some less depressing stuff

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