The Senate

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POV Nico

When I got the Iras Message from my sister I knew I would have to leave soon but I was still hopeful that I would be able to convince my boyfriend to come with me.

"Hey Will," I said tentatively after walking into the infirmary.

"Hi Nico! What's up?" he asked spinning around in his chair to face me. Gods, he looked so good. Why was I thinking of that now?

"Um, well, there is something going on at camp Jupiter and Hazel wants me there so I was wondering if you would like to go with me?" I spat out then crossed my fingers behind my back, hoping for the best.


"I need to leave kind of soon and I would completely understand if you..."

Will gave me a smile that melted my heart more than I would like to admit. "Of course I'll go with you."

After a little while and a few minor panic attacks from both me and my boyfriend we were ready. Will was waving goodbye to his sibling when I walked up behind him.

"Do we have to leave already?" He asked, worried.

I glanced at my watch. We should have left around five minutes ago but seeing the look on his face I couldn't tell him that.

"Just hurry it up a bit." I could hear him going through all of the possibly worst case situations as I readjusted my bags.

"And Kayla, you're in charge." Will turned around to face me and grabbed my hand.

"So sunshine, how exactly are we getting to New Rome." The two of us argued all the way to my cosine's tree.

"Will, as I have told you before, I have come a long way from the boy I was after carrying the Athena Parthenos halfway across the world. Shadow traveling to California is not going to kill me. In fact last time I did it I didn't even pass out." I regretted my words as soon as I spoke them.

"Last time! NICO DI ANGELO, when was the last time you shadow traveled?!" I knew that Will was overprotective and that was just part of his personality but sometimes it could really get on my nerves.

"I may have gone last month," I told him in the smallest voice I could muster.

"I'm not made but," the way he said the words made me doubt their truthfulness. "Can you please just tell me when you use your powers."

"I will promise to tell you when I am allowed to and or when I need to." he didn't seem completely satisfied with my answer but I suspected he knew that was the best he was going to get.

He took my hand as soon as we reached the top of Half Blood Hill. As we stepped into the shadows the world faded into darkness.

Emerging on the other side of the shadows I fell backward and toppled into my boyfriend.

"Totally fine," he teased, using my words from our previous conversation against me. I got up and leaned against him for a moment to regain my strength.

"Well I didn't pass out."

"Nico, Will, is that you?" A voice from behind me called out. Since I was feeling better I stopped leaning on Will and turned around.

I found Percy and Annabeth standing behind me, Percy in a purpley blue toga and Annabeth in normal clothes.

"I see you got called to duty too," I said, eyeing Percy's clothes. "I see they decided to honor your previous services."

"Yep where's yours?" Percy asked.

"In my bag I'm going to get changed in a minute."

Will was looking between me and Percy and Annabeth was looking at all three of us trying not to laugh.

"What's going on?" My boyfriend asked, a puzzled look on his face.

"Oh Nico didn't explain. There's a senate meeting going on and for some reason they want Nico Thaila and me here," Percy explained.

"But what about the bathrobes? And did you say Nico would have to wear one?" At this Annabeth falled to hold in her laughter any longer and Percy and I joined in.

"Will, this is what we wear for the senate meetings," I laughed out.


"Percy, can you explain stuff to my idiot boyfriend while I get dressed?" I asked.

"Yep, it's a nice change to not be the idiot boyfriend for once." We all laughed at that including Will.

I got dressed into my black, bedsheet as Will had described it and walked back out.

Will stared at me for a solid minute.

"I will see you in a little while," I told him as Percy and I walked off towards the senate building laughing for some reason.

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