Scouting Part Six

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POV Will

We tried. Of course we tried, but that did not make it any less fun. I enjoyed racing through the too easy questions and seeing the smile on Nico's face the enter time. I enjoyed everything about our small competition, even the fact that neither of us won.

"So, what do we do now? Neither of us won so..."

"What if for the rest of the time we have here we do the Greek homework and any other easy homework," Nico suggested.


"What are the two of you doing?" My half sister Emma asked as she walked in on the two of us talking about our homework.

"Having a debate on whether or not we should do homework even though we don't have to," Nico explained.

"Obviously you shouldn't do it," Sammy said and Emma nodded in agreement.

"See, I told you," Nico complained.

"You just agree to do the Greek stuff." I argued.

"You know that stuff is super easy for us and spot changing the subject," he squabled back and lightly punched me in the arm.


"Shut up, you have no argument for me and you know it," Nico told me.

"Fine. But what are we going to do now?" I asked the group at the dining table.

"I don't know if either of you can't go on electronics. Maybe go downtown?" Emma offered and Nico scowled.

"Yeah, that sounds good," Sammy and I said simultaneously.

"Do we have to?" Nico asked, looking at me with pleading eyes.

"Come on, socializing isn't that bad!" I told him.

"Yes, it is."


"Fine." I had finally won over my boyfriend.

After dragging Nico out the door even though he had already agreed to go, the four of us headed downtown.

Because my mother's house is so close to main street for Texas(side note I have never been to Texas and am making this up) we started to see people less than five minutes after we started walking. One of the people we saw was the girl from Greek, the girl Nico was convinced was a halfblood.

"Hey Sophie! Sammy shouted at the girl as he began to cross the street toward her. "Do you want to hang out with the four of us?" At this point we were almost side by side with the girl. "I think you met my brother and his boyfriend in your Greek class this morning." Sophie's eyes widened with understanding while Nico and I winced at my brother's words.

"Oh, I'm really sorry. The two of you were just so open at home and Sophie doesn't mind that sort of thing so I thought. I'm just really sorry."

"It's ok." Nico and I cut him off at the same time, though I could see a hint of understandable anguish in Nico's eyes.

Our now group of five continued downtown. That was when seemingly from out of the blue I heard a growl.

Nico's and my heads turned toward the sound expecting some monster from Greek mythology to find something very different yet the same.

"Hey you two!" Percy Jackson shouted from atop Ms. O'Leary.

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