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Happy birthday Leo!

What is something you guys want to see next?


There was a loud noise and I heard someone scream.

I jumped up then remembered that the noise was the alarm I had set in bunker nine for the times I would fall asleep there.

I looked around to find the place surprisingly neat. Almost as if someone had cleaned up the place last night which was ridiculous because I almost never did.

My stomach growled and to appease it I started to head to the dining pavilion.

On my way there I was surprised to not see a soul. No one including the nature spirits seemed to be up. I looked at the sky expecting it to somehow be pitch black but it was the same color as it was 20 minutes ago. Bule

It had to be at least seven in the morning but there was no one in site.

"Hi! Is anyone awake?" I called into the camp once I reached the edge of the forest.

No response.

I walked around camp slowly making my way to the dining pavilion but I found no one.

Where on earth was everyone?

Once I finally made my way to the dining pavilion and still couldn't find anyone I decided to just eat breakfast. However, inside of food appearing on my plate a note written in ancient Greek materialized.

I opened the note to find the following written.

Dear Leo,

Find us =) <3 ☺️☺️☺️

That was it.

After several more attempts of trying to force the plate into giving me food it was clear that I would first have to find my friends.

I sighed, telling my growling stomach that it would just have to be painted and there was nothing I could do. Even after that it still insisted on making the loudest sounds in the world. I got that it was hungry but I thought it might be at least a bit considerate.

After glancing back at the dining hall I headed to the infirmary guessing that there would at least be someone there.

Unfortunately after what felt like the longest trek of my life I found the infirmary to be as empty as the rest of the camp.

After that disappointing trip I made my way to cabin nine. But, like the last place I checked it was also empty.

I went around what felt like all of camp until it felt like I had turned the place inside out. Then an idea popped into my head that made me want to slap myself in the face.

How could I have been so stupid.

I started sprinting, no running towards the forge. Of course they would be there, if I hadn't been so tired that probably would have been the first place I looked. Besides bunker nine it was my favorite place at camp.

As I was running I thought I saw some yellow or orange stuff fly into my face. I passed for a moment to extinguish my nose, then started running again.

As I entered the frog I slowed down and eventually made my way into the building.

I let down my sense of security only to be met with a defining noise.

"HAPPY BIRTHDAY LEO!!!!" confetti flew everywhere and there were people already starting to party.

I passed. I had forgotten that today was my birthday.

I partied too but I was never able to forget that I, caught up in everything that was going on, forgot my own birthday.

you've probably seen this one already from me

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you've probably seen this one already from me. do I care?

no not really.

I like it ok.

I like it ok

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let me add my own

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let me add my own

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