What Happened Next

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Before this I would like to eggnog a few things,

This is my own interpretation of Elysium and it only holds true for right now and for this story. It might change at a different point or it might stay the same.

I know that a certain character in this may not have gone to Elysium or at least not yet but please roll with it.

Side Note: Happy birthday to Jason! That is the reason I am writing this and happy falling into Tartarus day for Percy and Annabeth 😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁

Also, thank you to everyone who is reading this. I am forever grateful.

POV Jason

Jason never expected Elysium to look like this. He never expected it to have parts like New Rome, Camp Half blood, New York City, and any place a hero, demigod, or mortal who got into Elysium had lived. However this is how it was.

Jason was walking around the streets of the place he now lived when he saw a face that looked strangely familiar.

It was not familiar in a way as if he had known the person but in a way as if he had seen a picture of the boy.

As Jason approached the boy he was able to make out finer details. The blond hair and blue eyes. The,


The Scar that ran half way down his face covering one of his eyes.

It took months. So long for Jason to finally get up the courage to talk to the boy. He had begun to watch him, making himself more and more convinced it was indeed the same boy.

So much time had passed that Apollo had defeated the triumvirate and python while Nico and Will had gotten back from the quest to the pit recently.

The reason Jason knew all of this was because he was occasionally allowed to talk to and visit Hazel and Nico, as well as go to their Father's palace whenever Hades needed or wanted something from Zeus or Jupiter.

Finally one day Jason got up the courage to talk to the boy.

"Hi," Jason said, trying to start a conversation.

"Hi," the other boy responded glumly.

"Not to sound rude or anything but are you Luke Caselin?"

The boy stiffened at Jason's words.

"What's it to you?" He asked, eyes glaring until he caught sight of Jason's.

"My sister knew a boy called Luke Caselin. She described him almost exactly the way you look. She and a lot of my other friends who knew him said he died a hero so I assumed..." Jason stopped talking, letting his arms fall to the side of his body.

"Oh," the boy said.

It was at that moment when a dark chariot came out of the sky, or the inky blackness of the underworld.

Jason instinctively rushed into the shadows trying to hide from whatever had just come. However, the boy did the exact opposite.

"Hi," he said, greeting the mysterious figure on the chariot.

"Hi," the mysterious figure answered in a familiar voice. Then he dismounted.

"NICO!" Jason shouted.

"You know this guy?" the boy who Jason is now positive is Luke asks Nico.

Nico's mouth is slightly open as if he has realized the gravity of this situation and Luke and Jason hadn't.

"Luke, this is Jason, Jason Grace."

After the slight chaos happened about revealing stuff about my history the three of them settled into seats at a cafe.

It was at that moment that Nico was forced to leave for some unknown reason leaving Jason and Luke alone.

It ended up being a good thing. Leaving Jason and Luke alone. It gave Jason a new friend and Luke someone to work out his problem with. Specifically the ones related to a certain Thalia Grace.

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