Scouting Part Five

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the Nico No is supposed to be Alex No.

I am sorry if I have not thanked you Starblaze54 for Voting on my first chapter. I meant to recognise you I just forgot. I know that is not a good excuse but that is all I have besides another question for you.

for this series when should I end it. to end it I think I would need at least two more parts besides this one because I have developed the plot that much but I will leave this up to you guys and where the plot leads, whichever comes first.

Thanks for your support!

POV Nico

Judging by the look Will and I had shared about ten minutes previously he thought that none of the kids were demigods however, after class had started my opinion had changed.

The last kid, a girl who for some reason reminded me of Will and some of the other younger Apollo campers was different.

It wasn't just that she reminded me of Will, it was also the fact that it was so blatantly obvious that she was the stare of the class. The Greek rolled off her tongue like it was her native language even though that would not have been possible with the school's rules.

It did not look like she had ADHD but there were different kinds and not all demigods had it. Besides that the next class that Will and I had was an ELA class that was for people with dyslexia. She was also in it.

By the time that our lunch period rolled around I had an ongoing list of over ten things that I thought made her qualify as a halfblood.

The list included,


Being in Greek class

Being good at Greek

The fact that she reminded me of Will and some of the other healer

She had the sense of a demigod that I could sometimes pick up on

Etc, Etc.

For me this was enough evidence to prove that she was a halfblood but unfortunately it was not enough for my boyfriend.

"Nico, I know you think that this is enough but, can you be sure that you don't just want to get the quest over with. I want to be done with this as much as you do but I think we should do a little bit more scouting before we jump to conclusions," Will argued with me.

"Will I know but..." He fixed me with one of his doctor glares that always shut me up for one reason or another.

"Fine." And that was that.

We continued to go about what I assumed would be a normal day for a teenager with classes, an absurd amount of homework and socializing, all of which I despise. Luckily, or unluckily for me depending on your perspective, my boyfriend did not hate any of that except maybe homework which he only disliked if he had way too much of it.

"You are crazy," I told Will as he happily started his homework right after we got home from school. "We don't even have to do it."

"Yeah, I know that this doesn't even matter but I think. Well I don't know but I feel weird not doing it."

"You do you," I said walking out of the room trying to decide what to do. I didn't have a phone because I was a demigod and was from the 1930 so even if I could use one I would have know idea how to.

One time I was with Will right after playing Leo's idiot mode on the super mario game and destroying the record Will asked me how I had know idea how to work any modern technology besides video games.

I then had to explain to him how there were so many video games in the Lotus Hotel and Casino. I learned how to use all of them but I had know idea how to use anything else because that was the only modern technology I was familiar with and knew how to use.

After becoming bored with being alone in my room I decided to go downstairs.

"Nico, I know you don't want to do the homework but, what if you did the Greek stuff. It's kind of fun."

I weighed my options. Do the possibly fun homework, get out of my boredom, and apes my boyfriend or do nothing.

It was a no brainer.

"Ok. But question: have you started it yet?" I had a plan to make this afternoon interesting but it would only work if everything played out.

"No, but I glanced over it and..." I stopped him in the middle of his sentence.

"Perfect. Why don't we make this a competition?" I started with a smile on my face. "Whoever finishes the Greek homework first..." I glanced around the room. What was something that we could compete for? It wasn't camp so...

"What if, if I finish first you have to do all of your homework with me and if you finish first I'll do whatever you want." I smiled again.

"For the rest of the time we're here?"

"Deal." we shook on it to make it binding and began.

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