Last Night

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Like for one that we reached 1k reads!!!

Also that this is the 90th part!!!!

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POV Annabeth

I groaned awake, head pounding from last night.

I turned in bed to see my boyfriend, face deep in his drool covered pillow.

I tried to think back to last night. Why in Athena's name did I have this massive of a headache. Then I remembered the date. July fifth.

Last night was the fourth of July. Of course I had a massive headache last night. We would have stayed up till at least two in the morning. We were teenagers afterall.

I started to think back to last night, what had happened?

I was sitting on the beach with Percy by my side. Comfortable. Together.

Will and Nico were to one side of us, quietly bickering over the lack of food Nico had consumed.

Hazel and Frank were to the other side of them, half asleep having just gotten here from California.

Leo and Calypso were next to me and Percy on the other side with Piper and Shele joining in on their heated conversion.

Everything was amazing. Almost perfect.

It felt like there would be a catch any moment. Like a god would come down from the ski and bestow a quest upon us. Like everything was about to be ruined.

But it wasn't.

Everything was really this good.

For once there was no cache.

Then there was a boom. Everyone tensed.

Nico and Percy drew their swords.

Piper and I drew our daggers.

Everyone was on edge.

Then the sky was lit up with beautiful light. Images of battles and lost heroes were in the sky.

The Hephaestus cabin had really done their magic.

The night was preface again.

After the fireworks the party started up again. Chichat and laughter filled the air. At some point I ended up on the dance floor after a very eventful game of truth or dare. I was surprised to see Nico join me at some point to the amusement of his and my boyfriend. Nico was blushing like crazy.

Even later in the night I vaguely remember getting thrown in the lake with Percy. After that I completely blacked out.

I sat up in bed smiling at the memories of the previous night.

I got out of bed leaving Percy to rest and went down to the dining hall. There I found Will and Piper laughing at something Calypso had said and Leo's nose on fire.

It was a typical Friday morning. Absolutely chaos.

I had a good morning. There was so much happiness in the air, something that I thought I may never have again at too many points in my life.

I lagged and smiled with genuine enjoyment that morning and even joined in on the prank to throw orange juice at Nico and Percy when they walked up together.

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