Inside Jokes

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this is chapter one of a completed series I have in case you would like to read it it is Percy Jackson and friends meet the avengers. Some of it is slightly(read a very) Ranome

Nico and his cousins were just walking around and not trying to hurt anyone. But of course they were interrupted on the day that Percy, Jason and Nico were all trying to get gifts for the respective partners.They were just walking out of a store when Nico started to feel the eyes on him, or on someone near him. A few blocks later his cousins notest them too.Percy nonchalantly(IDK if that is even a word) without stopping to look behind him spoke, "I don't know about the two of you but I seem to have noticed someone looking at us.""I notes too. Nico?" Jason agreed."I did about two blocks ago but I have been pretty paranoid since... he paused for a moment and let the words hang in the air, lost in thought. Then he continued, "you know. That, so I wanted to see if you guys had notes and kept an eye on them.""Valed," Percy commented."So What should we do now?" Jason ponder allowed."We are three children of the big three and two survivors of you know where I think we can handle whatever they have coming our way."🎉—---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------🎉I apologize in advance I am not too big of a Marvel fan so I will not know as much. Also I will have a mixture of Marvel Thor and Magnus Thor.POV TonyIt started off as a normal day for the most part but Tony figured that was how almost all days started off. The day started to get weird during the meeting with Director Fury.I walked in half an hour late per usual and was met with a glare."You. Are. Late. Mr. Stark." Director Fury was furious(see what I did there wasn't it an amaZhang pun)."Uh. Sorry boss?" he completely ignored him."So for today we will be trying to capture and take into questioning Perseus Jackson and any acquaintances you find as well. We have very little information on him and anyone he is spotted with."He handed out a singular piece of paper. After looking at it one more time Tony realized that it was the boy's shield file. The average American had at least 10 pages in theirs but this person had one and he was a very troubled kid they normally would have about 15 pages.The paper was flows.Name: Perseus JacksonAge: 17(About I don't know his real age)Parents: Sally Jackson mother. Father unknown. Two stepfathers, one deceased.Chargers: (you probably know what he is charged for and I don't really feel like looking it up or remembering so this is what you got) Destruction of property, attempted murder, bowing up of school bus and gym Ets...(Lots of other things here use your imagination)"That is some list," Steave commented."Yes that sure is. And Fury. You want us to catch him, a 17 year old boy?" Natasha added."Exactly Speaking of which you should get going they just go a hit on him."They all left. The avengers. Well exerted for Thor he was on Asgard going gods no what.Now they were flowing the three boys out of a store. Well, at least he was following them. Steave was trailing them from a different angel and the rest were spying from the rooftops.The shorter black haired boy was talking to Perseus and the blond. They really needed to find out the other kids' names(me internally laughing at him calling Nico a kid. The same Nico that is about 40 years older than him.). Tony tried to hear what they were saying but he failed miserably. They suddenly took a sharp turn and started to head toward Central park."Will is going to kill me..." Tony heard the Sorter kid mumble but the wind intimated then she heard something similar come from Perseus.At this point they were in a small wooded area. Tony then realized that Steave and himself were both still flowing the boys into an area where no one else was. How suspicious could they be?"The rest of you can come out of wherever you are hiding now!" Perseus shouted."Perseus it is only the two of us," Tony lied gesturing to himself and Steave."Don't lie to me and DON'T call me Perseus. Call me Percy or nothing at all. Now you and you come out from where you are hiding." Perseus-Percy whatever said pointing directly at the places where Nat and Clint were hiding. Bruce had not come with us.The two slowly walked out with their weapons obviously. Nat with a gun and Clint with a bow.The shorter guy eyed the bow while the taller guy eyed the gun. Then the shorter one looked at Cap. He had to look again. Percy notest."Yeah death boy he's alive don't get too worked up about it," Death boy as Percy had called him sided."Hey! No bullying," the blond started but was cut off by a glare from Death Boy."Fine Sparky," Percy told the blond. Then got his turn with the Death Boy glare."What Pine-Cone-Face doesn't work on him.""Well Guinea Pig still works on you!""Hey I told you not to call me that Death breath or should I say Corn Face." Sparky face palmed."I love them but sometimes they reference things that I wasn't there for and it is annoying.""Well dam!" Death boy shouted and Percy was on the ground laughing in an instant."Is-Is he ok?" Clint asked."Yes, just an inside joke even I don't fully understand.""I have absolutely no idea, I only know it has something to do with my sister." Sparky added."Doesn't everything?" Death Boy snorted.A/NJust so you know I have no idea about spelling and grammer and I apologize

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