Tartarus Percy

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I know how much it looks like Perico but it is not intentional. It is meant to be more of a brotherly relationship but it could come across as romantic. If you want it to be Perico then think of it that way but it is still not a good one. It is not meant to be Perico as you can see in my previous works I am a very hard Solangelo and Persabeth shipper.

Thank you for so many views! Also the reason I did not update on here yesterday was because I updated my other original work so if you did not see that and like that book then you should go check it out.

These are not my characters, they belong to uncle Rick. The plot is mine.

POV Percy

Percy was sitting next to Nico on the dock talking about... that place. They never talked about their experiences without the mist with their partners but they did talk about it with each other.

At that moment Percy had his legs dangling into the water while Nico just sat on the door.

"And then I saw-" Percy was cut off but a large scream. The pair turned to see a large flock of familiar looking monsters.

The arai.

They sent a shiver down Nico's spine but the disturbed Percy even more.

He remembered how helpless he felt in Tartarus and the last time he had fought these beasts. How their curses had affected him and Annabeth. He wanted to rip them limb from limb. Percy could feel anger bullying inside of himself. These creatures did not get to hurt anyone he cared about ever again.

POV Nico

Nico could see what the arai were doing to Percy mentally.

Percy was running toward them and Nico was on his tail. Unfortunately once they were about 10 yards away Percy snapped. The arai had been taunting them the enter way there but the thing that made Percy snap was when they mentioned Annabeth.

POV Percy

"You and your little girlfriend were too weak and will always be too weak. The two of you needed rescuing and you still could not fully save her from the horrors she had to endure."

All of this made Percy snap and lash out.

"YOU DO NOT GET TO TALK ABOUT MY GIRLFRIEND LIKE THAT!" he yelled. All the water in the area moved toward Percy like he was a magnet.

That was when he snapped fully and started to control the blood in the arai. He destroyed them and then got in there with his sword sashing and jabbing leaving nothing behind, however, he did not stop once he destroyed all of the arai.

He wanted to destroy everything that could ever hurt him or Annabeth ever again. Especially anything that could ever hurt Annabeth.


A new Ares kid who knew nothing of the horrors Percy or Nico had encountered had just arrived at camp. He was one of the oldest kids to have ever come to camp and was about Percy's age. He tried to take advantage of the pair making fun of and bullying them for different reasons. They both looked very weak having not slept that well in a while because Will and Annabeth were gone as well as both being very skinny.

They both appeared to be easy targets but that was far from the case.

They were both barely controlling their anger and in fear of lashing out and hurting the boy did nothing to stop them.

Clares thankfully came to their aid having become closer friends with the two boys. She yelled at her brother for quite some time and the two boys eventually managed to slip away.

That was when they went to the dock and started talking.


Everything in Percy had snapped. The entire day had been too much for him and he could not take it anymore. He exploded.

POV Nico

Percy was gone in some ways or he was at least gone to the world.

It was obvious to Nico that he had lost control and the day had gotten to him. It had gotten to Nico as well but he was better at hiding it.

Nico ran forward to Percy. They had really bonded with their expenses. They could also sometimes calm each other down after a flashback however Annabeth was the only person who could calm Percy down after something like this.

"PERCY!" Nico screamed trying to get through to him.

"PERCY YOU ARE NOT THERE ANY MORE SNAP OUT OF IT" Any mortal and most demigods would have been destroyed in the small hurricane that Nico was in at the moment but he was not most demigods.

Nico continued to yell as well as try other things like calm him down but nothing seemed to work.

After what felt like an eternity to Nico but was more like five minutes Percy collapsed. Nico, thankfully caught him before he hit the ground and laid him on his side.

Then Percy started to shake and scream.

POV Percy

Percy was back there in that place with the goddess of misery at his fingertips controlling her blood and poison. It felt so good in a way but then, realized what he was doing.

Percy tried to snap out of it. Tried to stop but he was no longer in control of his own body.

He was controlling the goddess of misery but someone else was controlling him.

The scene changed to Percy's confrontation with Tartarus.

Percy started to scream.

Then he felt someone shaking him and he heard Nico's voice.

"Percy you are not there anymore you are scaring me and the other campers. What would Annabeth think if she was here. She can't lose you. No one can lose you not after," his voice cracked. "Not after Jason. We can't lose you too."

That brought Percy out of it, Nico mensching Jason and most of all Annabeth.

POV Nico

Percy sat straight up(not me laughing at this) and Nico sighed with relief. He could not lose Percy after Jason but most of all Nico could not explain that to Annabeth. She would go quite literally to hell and back to see him again. They would not be separated.

"What happened?" Percy asked Nico.

He sighed. "You um... went dark."

POV Percy

Percy cringed at Nico's words. He knew exactly what his cousin ment.

Percy had let out Tartarus percy and that was not a good sign.

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