Swim Across America

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Swim Across America is a fundraiser that raises money for cancer treatment and research. In that spirit I will write a story about that today.

POV Percy

Percy sat up in his bed and grounded. He looked around and couldn’t place his surroundings for a moment. Then he remembered that he was at home.
He smiled, jumped out of bed, and practically ran into the kitchen.
“Hi mom,” Percy greeted before running to hug his baby sister. “And hello Estelle,” he cooed.
“Percy, I didn’t have time to tell you last night but today a local pool is hosting a Swim Across America event. Would you like to join?” his mother asked.
“A what?” Percy said confused. He had never heard of a Swim Across America event before.
“Swim Across America, it’s a fundraiser for cancer. You swim laps and donate money,” his mother explained.
“Oh, yeah I’ll totally do that. When is it?” he asked.
“Uh, half an hour I think at the New York pool(I don’t know or think that this is a real place),” she responded absentmindedly, trying to feed his younger sister.
“But that place is twenty minutes away!” Percy said.
Percy grabbed some food and ran out the door, nearly forgetting his bathing suit on the way. It wasn’t too until he was at the pool panting from his run. He didn't recognise anyone but didn’t care, he was getting to swim and even better help people.
As soon as everything was explained to Percy he jumped in one of the lanes and started to swim laps. He soon lost count and was glad that there was someone there to do that for him. A lap counter, he thought one of the organizers had called them.
One then two hours flew by and soon there was only a half an hour left of the event.
Ever Time someone swam a mile they rang a bell. Percy wasn’t sure how many times they had rung the bell for him, he had lost count of that too.
When he finally got out of the pool everyone stood around staring at him.
“Did I raise a lot of money?” Percy asked the crowd standing before him.
The person who Percy assumed ran the event stepped forward. “Did you raise a lot of money?! You helped us raise more money than we have in years! Not to mention the fact that you swam 30 miles in two and a half hours!(yes I know this is unrealistic.) How on earth did you manage that?”
“I-I don’t know,” Percy stuttered out before trying to get lost in the crowd.
After eventually finding the locker room Percy got changed and sprinted home.
“How was it honey?” his mom asked from her desk where she was writing.
“Uh, good,” Percy said tentatively.
“Do you know anything about the two ten thousand dollar donations?”  his mother asked, still not booking up from her desk.
“No?” he said confused and awestruck that he had helped raise such a ridiculous amount of money.
“I mean I assume one is from your father and the other one maybe, Rachle,” Percy’s mom guessed.
“Uh,” he had no idea what to say to that. Instead he decided to go to bed and rest. Something he wished he did much more often.

PJ OneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now