Heartbreak Part Three

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Sorry very random update schguwal at the moment here you go. Oh and thank you for so many reads

POV Will

I was outside the Hades Cabin with Jason knocking on the door. We had been there for quite some time and Nico had to answered yet. Then I heard a voice.

"What in Hades are you doing here Solace!" Percy shouted at me. He could be absolutely terrifying when he wanted to be and was VERY protective of his friends.

"I-i-I w-want-ed to see h-him. I-i-I wanted to a-ppo-g-gis and tell him that I did not cheat on him," I stuttered out.

Percy looked skeptical so Jason budded in.

"Percy, he is telling the truth. I heard his story. Will tell him what you told me."

So I did exactly that. I told him basically everything, leaving out some slightly more personal details like crying myself to sleep and trouble with the nightmares from that place. Even though Percy was one of the few people who could relate, I did not need to tell Jason any of that.

"I believe you." As Percy spoke the words he took out a key and opened the door to the Hades cabin. "He has one for mine as well we um..." he did not finish but from what Jason had told me earlier I could guess.

Nico was not in the hHades cabin. We searched the entire place but he was nowhere to be found. Then Percy found a note written in ancient Greek it said the following.

Dear Percy,

If you found this note that means it is either the middle of the night and came here or you got worried about me. At the moment I am taking a walk in the woods and do not know when I will come back. I am thinking about Will and do not know what to do. I still love him very much but it is obvious that he doesn't love me back.

I should be back by tomorrow morning.



By the time I was done reading the note I had tears in my eyes. Nico still loved me. But he thought that I did not love him back. I was heartbroken.

Percy, Jason and I were all in the woods looking for Nico. We had been searching for a while now and could not find him. The only thoughts going through my brain at the moment where he is ok and did he get hurt.

PJ OneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now