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I just wanted to give a big thank you to every single person reading this and a special thank you to @Hristiana3333 for following and voting so many times!

Also happy fathers day to everyone if it is when you are reading this! This is a oneshot about fatherhood for Percy.

POV Percy

They were screaming again. They were always screaming.

No matter how much he loved his newly born twins Percy hated the amount they screamed. Sure he had his little sister Estel to practice being a father figure for and the fact that the twins were his second and third child but overall that did not make it any easier to deal with. In fact having twin girls and a rambunctious five year old boy was a recipe for disaster.

"Daaad! Can I have ice cream!" Luke yelled from across the room as Percy attempted to change Zoe's diaper.

"Did you already ask your mother?!" Percy yelled back trying to compete with Silena's screams.

Annabeth, Percy and the twins had only gotten back from the hospital two days ago and Luke had been dropped off by Nico and Will in the last five hours.

Everything was utter chaos but that did not stop Percy from loving it. Yes, he was frustrated but this all reminded him of the one part he loved in battle. The chaos but the order in that chaos. The solidarity but the teamwork that had to happen in order to have that alone time. Everything has its time and place.

"Yes but," Luke tried to persuade Percy.

"What if we make a deal? If you can clean up," Percy passed for a moment trying to think of a reasonable bargain. "Your room and the kitten we can go get ice cream, just the two of us."
Percy new that it was a lot for anyone to handle cleaning up the chaos that was in the kitten and what he expected to be in his son's room but, it would keep Luke busy for a while, and possibly clean up part of the house and get him some one on one time with his son. Percy saw absolutely no negatives.

After the twins were finally asleep in bed and Annabeth was resting Percy walked out of his room to find the house nice and organized.

"Luke, did you do all of this?" Percy asked, trying and failing to spot his five year old.

"Yep daddy. Can we go get ice cream now?" Percy smiled at his son's words as he turned around and swept him into his arms.

"Of course," Percy said. "But first I have to tell your mother."

After letting go of his son Percy snuck into his room to find his twin girls asleep and resting peacefully and his beautiful wife propped up on her side reading.

"Hey, I'm going to take Luke out to get some ice cream if that's alright with you," Percy said softly, trying not to wake the babies.

"Yeah, thanks." was the reply he got from his wife. He smiled. He was so glad he had kids and started a family with the love of his life.

"Who's ready for some ice cream!?" Percy half yelled and half asked Luke as soon as the two got outside.

"Me, me me!" Luke screamed as they rounded the corner to the ice cream shop.

"Good because I want some too."

The bounded up to the counter Percy picked up Luke so he could see.

"What would you like to get today?" the worker asked as the pair got to the front of the short line.

"Umm," Percy looked around at all of the ice cream flavors but couldn't read a single one. "I'll have the blue one," he said, pointing at bright blue ice cream.

"Ok and what would you like," the worker asked Luke.

"Um, the same thing as daddy!" He said.

"You mean that one," the worker said, pointing to the blue ice cream Percy had gotten.

"Yes please!"

After ordering Percy put Luke down and the pair of father and son headed to the park near their house.

They continued to have a lot of fun after the ice cream despite it being past Luke's bed time.

Percy and Luke snuck home at around nine o'clock at night and brushed their teeth. After that Percy put on a movie.

The next morning Annabeth found her son cuddled up in her husband's arms fast asleep on the couch.

She left them like that till around 12 that morning.

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