A Walk In The Park

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Yesterday I updated my other one shot story so if you are reading that thank you and it is updated!

You already know that I am a ghost right now so thank you to anyone who is reading this especially if anyone has followed, voted, or commented!

POV Annabeth.

I was walking through Bostin with my dad after he made me come with him, his wife, and my half brothers.

I was not very happy about this arrangement.

"Come one Annabeth it isn't that bad," he was saying as I heard a loud boom. Both of us turned to see a 16 year old boy who looked remarkably like the two of us flying through the air holding onto a golden sword and covered in dust the same shade.

"Who is that and what are they doing?" My father yelled for no reason.

The boy chose that very moment to land in front of us.

"Gods Magnus, you need to be more careful," I scolded my deceased cousin.

"This is, wow, you've changed so much. You look just like her," my dad stuttered out and then started to stare at Jack.

"Annabeth! Uncle Frederick! You should have told me you were coming!"

"You have a glowing flying sword!" My dad practically shouted. I looked around to see if anyone had noticed our little gathering but thankfully the park was empty.

"Senyor, I am not just any glowing flying sword, I am the Sword of summer, Sumarbrander, the sharpest blade in the nine worlds."

"Jack, please stop bragging," Magus said, cutting off his weapon.

"Your sword talks!!!!" My dad was now staring at Jack as if looking for an explanation to the magic. Of cores there was none.

"Yes, I do talk, Senyor. Why wouldn't I?"

"Jack, why don't you and Uncle Frederick talk so Annabeth and I can catch up," Magnus suggested and the three, no, four of us split up into two groups then continued walking.

"So, how has your death been since I last saw you? Oh, gods that sounds so wrong," I commented on my own statement. Magnus burst out laughing.

"You're right, it does sound really wrong. Like I have to keep correcting myself and then when I talk to someone who isn't dead. It's so confusing." I nodded along in fake understanding.

"And thanks for asking about me, death has been pretty good, I mean I have Alex and other friends." Magnus blushed at the mention of his partner.

"Someone is smitten," I teased.

"Shut up. And it's not like you don't blush anytime someone mentions Percy."

"I do not blush every time," I argued back but I suspected the hint of red on my cheeks did not help my argument.

"If you say so Annie, if you say so."

We had reached the waterfront at this point and decided to stop here.

"So, yeah. Managing Chases Space has been fun and that's about all I've been up to. What about you?"

What about me. What about me?

What could I tell him. What should I tell him?

I could tell him about my life with Percy and Grover in New Rome.

I could tell him that I suspected that I might get proposed too soon.

I could tell him anything I wanted about me and Percy, what I typically talked about besides my other family, friends and architecture but I decided to talk about something else.

Something different.

"I've been all right. I mean I've been the best I could be given the circumstances."

He looked at me with concern. He knew what the 'circumstances' were. Gods, he was one of the only people who knew exactly what they were besides Will, Nico, Percy, and I. we rarely talked about the circumstances besides the therapy sessions we had that were few and far between.

But it made perfect sense why he would know.

After all, ever since he helped the four of us with the kind of mental health magic he somehow possessed he had become a sort of therapist. Though what he knew still barely scraped the surface.

Judging by the fantest of conversations Will and I had heard our boyfriends having what I knew barely scraped the surface.

But Magnus helped. Only a little but every bit helped.

"I mean I want to say I get it but I know I don't."

Those words and what Magnus did the moment after is why I love my cousin.

He then opened his arms and I fell into the shaking slightly.

I love Percy very dearly but nothing could ever quite compare to the almost sisterly love I have for my younger cousin Magnus.

"Thank you," I said after a few minutes.

"You don't have to thank me," was the also slightly tearful response I got in return.

PJ OneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now