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Thank you so much PeachesTheCat for Voting on my story and thank you all for doing whatever you are doing!

I forgot the beginning of The Sword of Hades so I'm sorry if there are any mistakes.

This is basically a summary of some of the short stories Rick has written and I will leave some parts out because A, it's not my writing or plotline or anything and B, it would probably spoil some stuff.

POV Nico

"So Percy, why exactly are we here?" I asked my cousin while gesturing towards the ten people gathered around the campfire.

"We are here to share quest stories because I thought it would be a fun reunion thing to do!" he replied in a cheery tone. "Who wants to go first?"

I looked around the circle. Next to me was Will then Reyna, Percy, Annabeth, Hazle, Frank, Piper, and Jason. No one volunteered to go first.

After multiple games of rock paper scissors I finally got nominated to go first.

"So Nico, what is one of your most interesting quest stories?" Piper asked.

"Well, this one time in Albania-"

"NO!!" Reyna shouted.

"What was that about?" Hazel asked.

"Nothing," Reyna said hastily.

"We if it was nothing then-?" Hazel asked but then got cut off by a glare from Reyna.

"Ok then if not that why don't I tell you about Bob." A look of understanding and sorrow passed over Annabeth and Percys faces.

"So this one time I got lured into the forest by my stepmother and was then frosted into doing a quest with my cousins. After she got us to my fathers Place she explained that hades had made a sword and that someone had stolen it. We were then forced to retrieve it and were guided by this weird plant thing that showed us the way to the sword.

"We fought some stuff, Percy got his shoulder messed up and then controlled the river Lethe to wipe the memory of Iapadis' mind. We got back to the palace with the sword only to find out that my father in fact did not make the sword and it was Persephone."

"That was possibly the best story I have ever heard but told in the most random way. I feel like you left about half the story out," Jason said.

"That's because he did," Pery shouted.

"Would you rather me tell the group about that one time on the beach where-" I started.

"Ok, ok, chill," Percy said, looking rather guilty. "Annabeth, why don't you go next?"

"Hey! Why me!" she shouted at her boyfriend.

"Well, um-"

"Fine. but let me think for a second." After Annabeth had a moment to think she started her story. "So, as most of you know I lot my bros dagger in," she passed for a moment. "The, pit however," she pulled out what seemed to be her old dagger from her pocket. "I still somehow have it here."

Everyone looked confused exapted me and Percy.

"Wait, Nico, why are you not surprised?" Percy asked me.

"You know and you also know that I am the only one of us that physically can't talk about it." I could see the moment of realization on his face when he remembered our previous conversations about all of the different mythologies.

Everyone looked confused but we offered them no explanation.

"As I was saying, I still have my knife, but it is not the same knife. This used to be the wand of a magician."

No matter what I had to give Annabeth credit, she had a flare for the dramatics. She went on to explain how she had met this girl named Sadie Kane and then learned that she was an Egyptian magician. I however besides Percy was the only other person to know that Egyptian magician and Egyptian mythology even existed.

After she expanded a bit about Egyptian mythology she and Percy took turns explaining their adventures with the Kane siblings.

I again was the only one without a mouth on the floor. I had already been told most of this by Sadie's boyfriend, brother, father, uncle or herself. I was well acquainted with the Kane family.

By the end of everything everyone seemed much less in shock.

"So, are you now gonna tell us that you have a cousin that is from a completely different mythology," Leo joked.

I would be lying if I didn't tell you that Percy, Annabeth and I then immediately start laughing.

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