Scouting Part Four

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Sorry these are so short at the moment I hope to start making longer ones soon.

POV Will

As I excitedly made my way to my first class I glanced behind me to see my slaking boyfriend. He had his shoulders slumped and his bag in an awkward position on his back. I knew he was awkward and that he had not been to a public school since the 1930 but, I expected him to be a little better than this.

"Nico, come on," I complained as he continued to fall even further behind me.

"I'm trying but you practically running to class isn't helping," he retorted in a voice that I knew meant he was annoyed but I found adorable.

"We're almost there," I called behind me ignoring what he had just told me. I wasn't specifically annoyed with my boyfriend but him letting go of my hand and not wanting to take it back didn't help.

I reached the door a little before Nico and wanted for him.

Right before I opened the door Nico stopped me.

"Hey, I know you're annoyed at me and I'm sorry but I felt really awkward. With the teacher and." I smiled at his words and cut him off.

"Nico, it's fine. I'm just glad that you don't hate me for some reason. I'm fine not doing this." I gestured to the two of us while grabbing his hand. "In school."

He smiled at my words and whispered a soft, "Thank you."

We broke apart and I opened the door to the classroom.

After about ten minutes of dealing with school I was glad that my father had made sure that Nico and I were in all of our classes together. It would keep me from having a mental breakdown and Nico from murdering someone.

We had already had a very awkward introduction to our math class and I was not looking forward to second period if it was anything like this.

As the bell rang Nico and I grabbed our bags and headed out the door.

"What do we have next period?" he asked me as I took a right down a hallway neither of us had seen before.

"Greek and Greek history." I said with a smile on my face. "I hate the kids here but at least we got a class that we'll be good at."

"You're right," Nico said with a sigh.

I walked into the classroom with Nico by my side right before the bell rang.

"Are you two the new students?" A man who was sitting at a desk asked in a way that made me think he knew the answer.

"Yes," I responded.

"You two may take a seat in the front then we do not have a lot of people in our class, only the two of you and five other students."

Nico and I took a seat as instructed and wanted for the rest of the students to arrive.

Four students arrived together about two minutes after the bell rang but the fifth was five minutes late.

As they each walked in they looked and acted normal. None of them fidgeted or looked around suspiciously at Nico and I, the two new students.

I saw a hint of disappointment flash across Nico's face and felt the same. It was pretty clear to the two of us that none of them were demigods.

PJ OneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now