Mortals Meet Part Three (I Think): Ms. Grambs

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A few different warnings one this is years later when Will and Nico have a kid. I have an idea that is more of a headcanon and you can decide whether or not you would like to implement it while reading this but that somehow the gods figured out a way to mix DNA and Nico and Will have a biological child. I don't know how exactly I thought of that.

This is not my original idea, some other people have thought of this and I'm putting my own twist on it.

Also they are not living in new Rome or anything for plot convenience but I feel like they would in most other sinaryos.

Brief mention of homophobia but none actually practiced.

POV Nico

I scrambled to finish up some paperwork for some unexpected deaths. I needed to drop Bianca off at Hazel and Frank's before going to her Parent teacher conference where I would then meet up with Will. The only problem was his shift was going kind of late so he would be a few minutes late.

I groaned why did being a parent have to be so hard? I wasn't complaining about having a kid, just the maintenance that was required by the school and stuff like the meetings I was forced to go to.

"Come on Bianca, I need to drop you off at your cossins house soon," I called to my six year old daughter.

"Coming Papa!" she called back before eventually making her way down stairs.

We walked outside in the blazing as we made our way to the car. The mid afternoon heat was much hotter now than it was an hour ago picking Bianca up from school.

I dropped her off at my sister's house and was then finally able to drive back to her school. I made it to her teachers room second before I was supposed to be there.

I knocked on the door. Then hearing a 'come in' entered.

There was a slightly older lady sitting behind a desk with two chairs in front of it. She matched my daughter's description of her teacher Ms. Grambs perfectly.

"Hi, I assume you are Bianca's Father?" she asked me.

"Yes, you are Ms Grambs right?" She confirmed my suspicions with a shake of her head.

"Would you like to take a seat and we can get started?" she half asked and half offered.

"Atuly would you mind waiting for my partner?" I asked, glazing worldly at the door.

"Of course not.'' We sat in awkward silence for a while before we finally heard a knock at the door.

"Come in!" Ms. Grambs called out.

Will walked in looking as stunning as ever and turned to face me and Ms. Grambs. His smile brightened as he saw my face and he moved to sit next to me.

"Hi, I'm sorry for the miscommunication but I think you are in the wrong room or have the wrong time," she said ever so politely. "This meeting is for the parents of Bianca Solace-Di Angelo."

"No," Will said, confused. "I'm Bianca's Father William Andrew Solace-Di Angelo, or one of her fathers and this is my husband Nico Solace-Di Angelo. We are her parents."

Ms. Grambs face turned birt red and I thought she was about to explode on us and lecture us on how homosexuality was wrong. Inside she said, "oh, I'm-I'm so sorry I didn't mean to offend you I-I just."

"No, It's fine," I tried to comfort her despite being a little annoyed that she just assumed that I would have a wife and that I was obviously not married to Will.

"Ok, so back to your daughter," she said after finally calming down. "She is a pleasure to have in class and one of my best students."

Ms, Grambs continued to praise our daughter for the rest of the time that was in our Parent teacher conference. It made me swell with pride for the child that I helped raise.

After the parent teacher conference Will and I went to pick up Biance and continued to tell her that we were very proud of her.

We never had any troubles with Bianca's teachers for a while after that.

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