Scouting Part Sevan

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POV Nico

“Why Is There A GIANT DOG!” Someone yelled from behind me.

Percy was still sitting atop Miss O’Leary when Sophie(the girl who I had just released the first scream had come from) started hyperventilating.

“Why,” she took a shaky breath. “On earth,” another shaky breath. “ is there a dog larger the size of a car in front of us with someone one it.”

“Well,” Percy, who had just gotten off of Miss O’Leary, started to explain. “There are two explanations.”

“I think I know which one she might need.” Everyone looked at me as soon as I said the words.

“Nico, I told you that is not enough evidence,” Will tried to argue but Percy cut him off.

“Will, maybe the two of us and your boyfriend should have a talk. In privat.” I had always admired Percy's capability to take control of a situation, even if it was almost 100 percent of the time an accident.
The three of us walked into an alleyway.
“So Nico, what’s your theory about her?” Percy asked as soon as we were out of earshot of the others.

“I think she is a demigod but I don’t know who her parent is. Maybe Apollo but at the same time…"

“First of all your theory is a handful of coincidences and second of all I know for a fact that she is not my half sister,” Will argued.

“Will in response to what you just said first, A handful of theories is the definition of how most demigods live their lives. Second, what are the two of your problems?”
“What do you mean by that?” Will’s cheeks turned a light pink color.

“I mean the two of you haven’t stopped griping at each other since the moment I got here. Like, I know the two of you argue but…” I looked at Will for his reaction. Percy wasn't exactly wrong but he wasn’t exactly right either.

Will kept insisting that Sophie was not a demigod no matter how many times I tried to convince him otherwise.

“Yeah Will, what is your problem? You won't even hear out my idea about Sophie being a demigod?”

“Well I. I  Just- Well. I don’t know, maybe.”
“Will!” I was full out glaring at him at this point. I had gone on this trip expecting it to bring my and Will’s relationship closing together and for the most part it had but this one thing he couldn’t get past.

“I- '' Before Will could finish his sentence the three of us heard a massive explosion from where we had left Sammy, Emma, and Sophie.

Will and Percy ran out with me to find a group of almost ten harpies surrounding Sammy, Sophie, and Emma.

Percy and I drew our swords as Will, being a gods awful fighter, stayed back.

Riptide and my sword flew through the air chopping off the heads of three harpies each.

That was all before I heard a scream come from Will and something very heavy rip through my back.

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