Fiancé Part One

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POV Will

Dear diary,

The moment I knew I was going to marry that boy was a little while ago but somehow it was always meant to be. He was always one of the nicest people to me; he always had a smile that lit up my entire world.

I think I somehow knew that he would always be the boy that I would marry.

So that is the reason why I won't write for a while. I am going to visit his father then mother to ask for their blessing for me to marry their son.


Nico Di angelo.

I put down my boyfriend's diary. I had known that he would be gone for a few days and had decided to clean his office a bit for him like I would normally do. However this time there was one difference.

Nico's normally tidy office was a bit of a mess and face up on his bed was his diary face open on this very page.

Nico was, no, is planning on proposing to me.

I mean it wasn't a complete surprise we had just been to Percy and Annabeth's wedding and Nico had caught the flower bouquet that Annabeth had tossed. That had led to the conversation of marriage and we had both decided that we wanted it.

In the next few days I stayed busy trying to distract myself from my missing partner.

I focused on work at the hospital and anything to keep my mind off what I had read.

The days soon passed and I found myself waiting for Nico to get home on the day he was supposed to arrive.

I heard a knock on the door and opened it to find Nico standing there as gorgeous as ever with a bouquet in his hands.

"Hey, how are you?" he asked, then moved to hug me. I gladly accepted the sometimes rare hug(especially after he would get back from a long trip) from my boyfriend then dragged him into our apartment.

"I'm good, thank you." As I moved to get his cot he gave me a puzzled look.

"Will are you ok? You're acting like you haven't seen me in years."

"Yep, I'm fine," was the response I gave him.

"Ok, that's good because I have an offer for you. I know that this is very last minute and I would be fine if you can't do it but would it be possible for you to take a week of work?" I was practically vibrating with excitement.

"Yeah, I'll definitely see what I can do. Just let me go make the call now while you get settled in."

Just before I was going to call my boss I got a call from him myself.

"Hey Will, I just wanted to let you know but I feel like you have been working really hard and deserve a break. I decided since we just got a few new doctors I would give you that week of vacation you had been asking for a few weeks ago," My boss informed me.

"Yeah thank you so much that is perfect," was the response I gave before ending the conversation so as to spend as little time on technology as possible.

"Hey Nico! I yelled from our room. "I got the vacation time, what should I pack?"

"Don't pack anything! I want it to be a surprise!" he yelled back then once I got into the living room changed to a quieter tone. "Put on a move and grab some snacks. I'll pack for you and we'll leave in the morning."

"Ok," I agreed. "But if your shadow traveling I don't want you up too late and-" I got cut off.

"Will, I will, be fine. Besides, I want this to be special."

Nico and I had a small staring contest until I finally gave in and decided to let him do whatever he wanted with this trip.

I put on a move and got some snacks ready and after around a half an hour my boyfriend was cuddling against my side.

After around an hour of the movie I noticed that he was asleep. I waded my options of either letting him lie there or moving him into our room.

I picked up Nico, cradling him in my arms and moved him into our bedroom. I took careful steps trying not to wake him up then, landed him in bed.

I then got in next to him and was asleep in an instant.

I woke up to see two fully packed bags at the base of my bed and Nico standing over me with a plate of food. He smiled at me and put the plate on my lap.

"Come on, the quicker you eat the quicker we leave," he told me then, leaving the room to do gods know what. He took the bags with him leaving me no opportunity to check what he packed.

I soon finished my meal and got out of bed to wash my plate.

"Hi," I greeted Nico, still not fully awake despite having woken up around half an hour ago.

"Hi, how'd you sleep?" he asked.

"Amazing. That was probably the best sleep of my life!" I told him just now realizing that I did not have a single dream the previous night which was almost unheard of for a demigod.

"Good for you!" He said sounding very energetic even though Nico was the opposite of a morning person. He then hugged me and would not let go for a solid minute.

"You ok?" I asked. "You seem... I don't know, different. Weird?"

Nico looked at me.

"Not in a bad way," I assured him. "You are just not acting the way you normally act."

"Well that's acutely kind of ironic because I would say you are also acting differently than normal," Nico said. I stipend.

I started mentally processing everything I could have done wrong, maybe he could tell that I knew or at least suspected that he was going to purpose. Maybe because of how I was acting he was no longer going to purpose.

Nico laughed, interrupting my train of intrusive thoughts.

"Nope," he said, taking my hand. "Same old will, worrying about gods know what."

Nico's laughter and casual tone lessened my working but I couldn't help but wonder if I had somehow messed something up.

As if reading my mind Nico took my other hand and stared at me directly in the eye.

"Hey will. Look at me, I have know idea what is going inside of your mind right now but I do know you so, whatever you are worrying about right now forget about it. If it has to do with me or what I just said I promise I didn't mean it in a bad way. Now, grab that bag over there. We are leaving.

After the darkness faded and I could finally stand up again I looked around to find myself on a canal.


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