Just Some Dam Headcanons Part Twenty Two

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This one is manly about children of the big three

Jason is the only big three kids who hasn't had their age meat with.

Three out of the past five Praetors of New Rome have been children of the big three. The other two have been children of war gods.

There has been a Praetor for Pluto(Hazle), Neptun(Percy), and Jupiter(Jason).

Facts about...


He has been at Camp Jupiter for twelve years.

On his birthday Percy and Annabeth fell into Tartarus.

He is the last known child of the Big Three to die.

His sister is Thalia.

He died before the age of 17.

Got abandoned by his mother

Ate a stapler.

Gets shipped with a brick.

Was a part of the seven.


She is the lieutenant of the Hunters of artemis.

She is 15 years and 364 days old or like 30.

Got turned into a tree.

Ran away from home.

Basically adopted Annabeth.

Called her half brother hot.

Is the older sister of Jason.

Has driven the sun chariot.


Was a hunter of artemis.

Got trapped inside of the Lotus Hotel and Casino.

Died at around 70, 80, or, 12.

Is the sister of Nico.was from the 1930s.


Died and came back to life.

Was a part of the seven.

Is possibly the only straight child of the underworld if she is not bi pan or something and Binaca was ace.

Was from the 1940s.

Half sister of Nico.

She was in love with Leo's grandpa.

Went to the fields of asphodel so her mother would not have to go to the fields of punishment.

She died to save the world.


Was a part of the seven.

Survived Tartarus.

Held up the sky.

Helped defeat Kronos and many other villains.

Has been possessed by a vulture and ghost.

Was turned into a guinea pig.

Has toooooooooo much trauma like the rest of them.

Went to Ogygia.

Survived the sea of monsters and the labyrinth.

Has done MANY other things.


Survived Tartarus twice.

Survived the labyrinth.

Became the ghost king.

Has been turned into corn and a variety of other plants.

Has insane powers like the rest of them.

Has toooooooooo much trauma like the rest of them.

Has been outed by the god of love.

Had a crush on Percy.

Was from the 1930s.

Has lived off pomegranate seeds. (My autofill is bewitched. It knew I was going to say pomegranate seeds.)

Is the only child of Hades who is not dead and has not died.

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