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Yall seem to like the depressing stuff so here is some more of it.

Warning suicide mention.

I think I have something against Will even though I think he is hot as a character.

In front of me was the body of my late boyfriend. He had died just a minute ago and I knew I was in shock, that is what happens when you are a doctor, you can diagnose yourself with stuff like that.

I was still staring at the black haired boy with his gorgeous brown eyes closed so it seemed as if he was sleeping. Unfortunately, I knew that was not the case. He was dead and there was nothing I could do about it unless.

Two fingers rushed in disrupting my train of thought. I immediately knew who they were. Hazel and Percy had left me alone with him after I pronounced Nico dead for a little but I knew it would not last long and I was correct.

"Will, you can not do that." It was like Hazel could read my mind but I played it off as nothing.

"Hazel what are you talking about? Do what?" I quickly slid the small dagger in my hand into my pocket, counseling it for the moment.

"You know exactly what we are talking about Will and you also know that Nico would not approve of it!" Percy had clearly just stopped crying. He had tears running down his face but that did not stop me from wanting to yell at him.

I wanted to yell at him and tell him that he had no idea of what I was going to throw. He had not lost Annabeth but I had lost Nico.

"How do you even know what Nico would want!" I snapped back at Percy still wanting to yell at the world and the fates for doing this to me.

"Because he told me Will. I have been on a large number of quests with him and on one particular one I thought Annabeth had died. Nico's powers were not working at the moment and I was thoroughly convinced that she was dead. I wanted to kill myself like you want to kill yourself but he convised me not to. He said that he had seen too many people who had killed themselves and almost every one regretted it. I know that this is different and Annabeth was not actually dead but pleas beleave me when I say this Will, Nico dose not want you to kill yourself especially not for him."

Percy's words hit me like an arrow to the heart. They sunk in and I absorbed their meaning.

"Will," Hazel's words were soft but cared so much weight to them. "Nico would want you to move on if you want but he will also be waiting for you in the underworld."

I took a deep breath and looked down at the body of my dead boyfriend. I was going to do this. I was going to get through this. I would save as many lives as I could but when the time comes I Will be ready to give my own.

I closed the journal of my late half brother and looked back at his obituary. It all makes sense now why he did the things he did.

William Andrew Solace died age twenty saving a child from a shooter. He died just two months after his boyfriend who died to unknown causes.

His siblings and friends say that they will be happy and together again now.

Sorry I do not know how to write an obituary and that was the best I could do.

Now I have a few questions for the next few chapters.

Should I do the background of how Percy know's Nico would not like anyone to commit suicide in a full length one?

I am going to do at least one oneshot for pride month so my question is should I do one for someone coming out or a pride parade? Note I have never been to a pride parade but I still like the Idea and I know the gist of what happens there.

For Pipers Birthday what should I do? Like a Jiper, or Shell(I think that is how it is spelled)xPiper or something completely different. Should it be a romantic thing or not.

For Grover's birthday shout I do something with his side of the sun of Neptune or a himxJuniper.

For Frank I have know idea what to do besides him x Hazel.

Also I think what I might do for either Frank and Grover, or all three of them in a surprise birthday party thing.

Please tell me what you think of this in the comments because I am very indecisive and can never make up my mind.

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