Scouting Part One

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A/N thank you for so many reads! I want to know if you liked the overnight series because I will continue it if you'd like but if not I'm going to discontinue it. I will take requests but I do have at least four ideas for next month.

I think I finally came up with a decent plot line.

POV Nico

Ever since the giant war and getting back from the pit with my boyfriend the only thing I wanted to do was go scouting for demigods.

Well besides staying with Will and preferably living to at least 20 or 100 depending on the way you look at it. Not that I was afraid of death, I just did not want to leave the good life I had at the moment or start getting double the amount of paperwork I already had from my father.

Fortunately or unfortunately for me(you can choose) a scouting opportunity aros for both Will and me.

"So, since you two are the only demigods at camp I have decided to send you to a school that we do not have anyone stashend at to scout for demigods and bring them back to camp." At Chiron's words I did not know whether to jump for joy or grow at the prospect of being forced back to school. Will looked at me sympathetically, wanting to help younger demigods but not wishing to go back to school.

"Ok?" I really did not know what to think of this. The only other response in my head to what Chiron had just told us was to jump for joy.

"Now you two go pack your bags. We have set up a place for the two of you to stay in Texas."

Will and I held hands waiting for the Gray Sisters taxi to pick us up, he looked at me with a nervous glance. I knew exactly what he was thinking, the reason I knew this was because I was thinking the same exact thing.

Who will our hosts be? Will they accept us for who we are? Do they know who we are in many different ways? And most importantly, does Will know who they are with him being from Texas?

As the cab pulled up I pushed my worries aside and dragged my reluctant boyfriend into the small back compartment.

How in Hades did Tison, Annabeth, and Percy all fit in here, was my only thought as my long legged boyfriend squished in next to me.

As soon as the two of us were in and the door was closed the sisters slammed on the gas. I assumed that they knew where they were going and did not question it, thankfully I ended up being correct in my assumption.

After a little while in the car I eventually fell asleep on Will's shoulder, thankfully he let me stay there claiming I needed rest even though I did not.

Once I woke up we were almost there as we turned around the corner the car slowed and Will's face went pale.

We got out of the car. "Are you alright Will? You went white when you saw the house."

He took a shaky breath. "This is where my mom lives. Convenient that Chiron and Mr. D forgot to tell us that small epic of information."

It was my turn to take a shaky breath. "Do they know about," I gestured to the two of us.

"The last time I was here I had just broken up with my girlfriend so unless my mom is insanely good at reading people, which she was not to my knowledge, then no she does not know that I am bi."

At the mention of Will's ex-girlfriend I did not know whether to feel jealous, indifferent, or proud of my boyfriend for being able to bring her up. It had been a very tough breakup for him with it being almost immediately after the Second Titan War. I decided to go with proud.

Setting our bags down, Will took one last look behind us then knocked on the door.

Almost immediately after knocking on the door it opened revealing a middle aged woman who looked a lot like Will. She had his hair and face and judging by the smile lines around her mouth and the first brief smile she shared with us as she opened the door she also shared his smile.

"Will!" She ran up to hug her son a few seconds after her shock war off. For a second Will reminded me of me whenever he would hug me, disgruntled by the shock of the fiscal contact at first but then melting into it as if it was a lifeline. I had never and never thought I would describe my boyfriend in that way.

She ushered the two of us inside.

"When Chiron asked me if two campers could stay here to look for some new demigods I did not expect it to be my own son and." She looked quizzically at me then made eye contact with Will soundlessly asking him who I was.

"This is Nico," Will explained to his mother.

"OK then Will can you take Nico to the guest room and get him settled in then you can go into your room. Your stepfather and half siblings will be home tomorrow evening. They took a small trip." At his mothers words Will looked at the floor then took a deep breath similar to the one he took before knocking on the door.

"Mom, I need to tell you something," my gorgeous boyfriend took one last breath and grabbed my hand showing it to his mother. "I'm bisexual."

Immediately after his confession Will's mother wrapped her arms around her son. "I am so proud of you." Then she looked at me, staring me down, judging every inch of me. I completely understood where she was coming from. As soon as I knew Hazel and Frank were dating I looked at that boy in a new light making sure that he was good enough for my sister.

"Are you dating my son?" she asked in a kid yet threatening manner that told you not to mess with her.

"Yes mam," I told her my old formalities getting brought up while trying to make a good impression on my boyfriend's mom. I already had Apollo on my side but he was my cousin so he probably gave me a pass on that.

"How old are you?" I looked at Will not knowing how to answer that question. He shrugged in response.

"90 something," I told her truthfully. She looked at me mouth agape.

"Mom you cannot be talking, you dated someone millennial older than you!" Will complained to his mother.

"Fine," she said seemingly ok with me dating her son.

We continued to explain about our relationship and situation including the reason we were here. We left out some of the more personal and traumatic incidents not wanting to have to explain the pit or possibly had a flashback.

"So do you two boys want to head up to your rooms?" she asked us.

"About that," Will started preparing for the conversation ahead of them. "Uh, mom we um.. Sleep together?" his voice cracked as he said the words clearly not knowing what to expect. I grabbed his hand and started rubbing circles in his palm trying to calm him down. The moment would have been one of the worst possible times to have a panic attack or flashback.

"Uh..." his mother seemed not to know what to do with this information. "May I ask if the two of you have a reason for sleeping together or..." she did not finish the sentence letting our own brains fill that part in.

"Yes!" I practically screamed almost immediately. "It is very hard for both of us to sleep without each other." I explained.

After Will gave his own medical reasons for the two of us to sleep together we convinced his mom to let us.

Once we got upstairs we both flopped down on his bed, thankfully it appeared to have enough room for the two of us to sleep on.

This is going to be a good few weeks, I thought to myself later that night as I was cuddled in the arms of my boyfriend.

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