Another One Part Two

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Thank you so much for reading this!

If you have any suggestions for other plot lines or something you would like to see please comment it because I am having some writers block at the moment.

POV Nico

After I had a brief argument with Will about taking one of his patients I took Mara out of the infirmary and started making calls. I decided to let Mara call Hazel because she knew her but I called Thalia and Percy.

As a rainbow started to appear in the mist I tossed the coin in.

"Oh Fleece, do me a solid and show me Percy Jackson in New Rome," I asked the rainbow. Thankfully it obliged and within moments I was looking at the faces of two old friends.

"Hi Nico! What's up?" Annabeth inquired as soon as the image completely cleared.

"Um, I actually need to talk to Percy, alone," I told her, hoping she wouldn't take a fence. I made sure to choose my words carefully, hoping Percy would understand what was going on.

Unfortunately, he didn't. Which I kind of understood but still.

"Nico, whatever you want to say to me you can say to Annabeth!" Percy insisted. Annabeth face pammed.

She clearly knew what was going on.

"Seaweed brain, I think he means he has to talk to you in private about his personal life?" Even though Annabeth was clearly unsure about her presumption her words still made me blush.

I quickly jumped into the conversation. "No no,it is not that exactly but Annabeth is right. Trust me I would include Annabeth in this if I could but it is a very private and delicate matter."

Percy was nodding with understanding when someone knocked on their door.

Annabeth looked at me and I nodded, approving whoever was coming in.

"Come in!" Annabeth shouted and Hazel burst in alone looking slightly frazzled.

"Percy we should go like," Hazel passed once she saw me in the Iras message. "Oh good Nico you explained or should I on the way?" she asked me.

"Could you explain on the way I need to call one more," I told her.

I knew that a misunderstanding was very likely in this situation because of how criptice we were, but it was important to keep our meeting secret. We even have a special place to have our meetings that is an undisclosed location to all but the demigod children of the big three.

After saying our brief goodbyes and waving my hand threw the rainbow I called Thalia.

"Nico!" She greeted me as soon as she saw my face. We had had a strained relationship over the past few years but like with Piper we had grown much closer at Jason's death.

"Are you with anyone?" I asked immediately.

"Yeah Rayna is somewhere here and the other hunters are..." I cut her off.

"WE, are having a meeting in our usual place, the other two just left and I will be leaving in a minute.'' She gave me a nod of understanding and dispersed the Iras message.

"Mara!" I called. "We're leaving in two minutes, meet me outside then."

As soon as I said the words I hurried outside in a desperate attempt to find Will.

He was glaring at me as soon as he caught my eye but in a why didn't you include me on what's going on kind of way and not a I'm going to kill you kind of way.

"Where are you off to?!" he asked me as soon as I started to approach. He was trying to put up the facade he had before we started dating. The I'm your doctor and you don't want to mess with me facade but it wasn't working very well.


"Don't lie to me."

"First of all Willam, you are not my mother and I can do as I please. Second, I came out here to tell you that I will be gone for about the next three days." with that I turned on my heel and left.

As much as I love Will, he can be very overprotective sometimes and I would rather not like to have a pointless argument with him. As much as I would like to tell him everything about what was going on, it simply was not possible before the meeting.

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