Language Barrier

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I am sorry for the Italian and Greek I used Google Translate so it will probably be wrong. Also for the purpose of this thing Will doesn't know Italian even though he probably would. Pretend Greek is ancient Greek because there is no google translate for that. thank you for all of the views.

POV Will

It was the middle of winter at Camp Half blood and I was sitting in the amphitheater with my boyfriend resting on my shoulder. I had a blanket wrapped around the two of us and we were content with each other's company. At the moment he was asleep. He started to stir.

"Ti amo." That was one of the only phrases in Italian I knew. It meant I love you and I thought it was so sweet the way Nico would say it.

"I love you too," I said in response. He had a puzzled look on his face for a moment then it cleared and went back to normal. He got up.

"Ho fame. Vuoi pranzare?" I looked at him with a puzzled expression. He knew I was trying to learn Italian but was struggling with it a lot.

"Um Nico?" He looked confused for a moment then seemed to realize something.

"Oh. I am so sorry I did not realize I was talking to you in Italian."

"What did you say just now?" I asked him very curious.

"Oh. I just asked if you were hungry and wanted to get some food with me."


We went to get some food and ate. The next few days continued as they normally would. I spent a lot of time in the infirmary and Nico taught sword fighting lessons. You would think that he would have chosen a job that would get him closer to his boyfriend and not something that was halfway across the camp but he was the second best sword fighter at camp and at the moment he was the best sword fighter at camp so Chiron insisted. Besides, he would always find a way to visit me if it did not happen naturally.

The next day we both had a break and took a walk in the woods. He had told me that he wanted to tell me something.

After walking in the woods for about a half an hour he looked at me as if he wanted to tell me something.

"Will, um. I want to tell you something but I do not know how to say it." I felt something warm bubble up inside of me. We had been dating for three and a half years. Wes he going to. We were both over 18.

"Go on Sunshine I know you can say it."

"No Will. I can't because I forget how to say it in english!" The way he said that made me fall onto the floor laughing. Oh and also the fact that I thought my very old and traditional boyfriend was going to propose to me. That also had me rolling around on the floor laughing at myself.


"I'm not laughing at you I promise," I told Nico but was barely able to keep a straight face.

"Then what are you laughing at?" I could not tell him what I was laughing at.

"Nico what did you want to tell me?" I changed the subject.

"No you are not getting out of this that easily. Will, what did you think I ment."

"Nico, that doesn't matter at the moment, what can't you say?"

"Will if I still do not know how to say it." That posed a problem. I had never thought I would have a language barrier with my boyfriend who I had been dating for three and a half years but Ialso never thought I would go to hell or date the child of Hades so I guess I did a lot of things with Nico I never thought I would do.

"Do you know how to say it in a different language like I don't ancient Greek?" I said hopefully.

"Yes thank you Will, you are brilliant!" he exclaimed.

"Θέλω να σε ρωτήσω αν θέλεις να γνωρίσεις τον μπαμπά μου με πιο επίσημο τρόπο για δείπνο που μας κάλεσε και τη Χέιζελ και τον Φρανκ?" knew exactly what he was trying to say and had to stop myself from laughing again. It was such a simple thing. What he had said was I want to ask you if you want to meet my dad in a more formal way for dinner he invited us and Hazel and Frank.

"Yes of cors Nico I would love to when it is. Oh and also how you would say that is I want to ask you if you want to meet my dad in a more formal way for dinner he invited us and Hazel and Frank."

"Thank you in two weeks."

"That sounds amazang!" I winked and Nico ground. I loved to annoy him with puns.

A week passed by and nothing eventful happened.

One day Nico went into the mortal town to get something. That same day a new kid came with satyr.

As I went to check on him being the head doctor. I heard that no one could understand him. As I approached him I heard some words that sounded familiar.

"Nico?" I asked as I walked into the infirmary hearing some Italian.

"Hey Will this is Francesco that is the only name we could get out of him. Also do you know where your boyfriend is? We figured out that he was speaking Italian. Nico can speak Italian right?" Kayla asked as I walked into the infirmary.

"No, my 90 something year old boyfriend from Italy in the 1920s to 1940 can't speak Italian," I said sarcastically.

"Ok but do you know where he is?" she asked.

"I think he went to town. I can Iris message him or you can, it doesn't matter." Foolishly I allowed Kayla to Iris message him and he popped into the room five minutes later.

"Nico! I told you not to shadow travel!" I yelled at my boyfriend.

"You said not to shadow travel unless it is an emergency and I thought that this might count as an emergency. So I took the liberty to shadow travel here." I glared at him but moved aside so we could talk to the boy, Francesco.

Since Nico was here we could communicate with Francesco so the process of tending to his wounds became much easier. He got fixed up and Nico and I took him to the Hermes cabin.

After that the stools took care of him because they knew a little bit of Italian since Hermes was the god of travelers they were good with languages.

In the next few weeks Francesco got claimed by Athena and most likely because he was a son of Athena was able to master english fast. He also made many friends once summer started thow Nico and I would stay close to him throughout the years.

The meeting with Hades and his children was very interesting and did not end too badly. Life was looking up for Nico and I.

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