Episode 1: Eriola Coleman

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1 year prior....

My love for buildings has been with me for as long as I can remember. They have always captivated me. that's one reason I became an architect in the first place. I'm currently at my new job at Urban Design Group, based in the bustling city of New York. It's been approximately 90 days since I arrived and I couldn't be happier. It's a job that I've grown to love and appreciate, as it allows me to focus on my personal growth and development.

Coming from a household with a strict military father who served for over 30 years, this is a significant change for me. He recently retired from his duties just a year ago. My parents, Darryl and Pamela Coleman, are both successful individuals. My mother, a retired nurse, has a nurturing nature that comes with being a mother. She is an amazing woman whom I love deeply. The only thing that bothers me is her constant attempts to reconcile my father and me. But in reality, the root of our conflicts may be due to our strikingly similar personalities.

Nevertheless, I still love my father dearly, despite his tough demeanor as a retired Sergeant Major in the United States Marine Corps. Another person I hold close to my heart is my sister Monique who pursued a career in law after college. She is kind-hearted, which makes her an exceptional mother to her two children. Her husband Daniel, a District Court Judge, is fiercely protective of my sister.

This dynamic often leads to clashes between my father and me because he wants me to have the same path as my sister, but he fails to understand that everyone's journey is unique. Currently, I am working on a project with Randy Hamilton, the founder of the firm, Urban Design Group. He is approximately 45 years old and responded promptly when I reached out for this job.

He's a tall, lean man with salt-and-pepper hair and a beard that has a few flecks of gray as well. We are working on a high-rise mixed-use building, known as the "Flourish". The design will create a buzz in the city's skyline upon completion. It's R-18 stories high, with three floors for parking, two floors for shopping, and the rest a mix of residential and office spaces.

Randy has been a mentor to me, taking me under his wing and helping refine my skills. The project is coming along swimmingly, and I couldn't be prouder of my growth. I am thankful for this chance and intend to make the most of it. This morning, I arrived early with the goal of finalizing all the details and drawings for the project. They still need to be approved by Randy.

Just as I was about to leave for Randy's office, a tall, handsome, white man enters the firm with two presumed bodyguards. The receptionist at the front desk gestures them towards Randy's office. It must be Mr. Richardson, the project's primary investor. I have not had the chance to meet him yet. My heart races with anticipation, knowing that this meeting could make or break our project. I can't afford to mess up in any way.

Taking a deep breath, I gather the necessary documents and make my way down the corridor towards Randy's office. The air feels heavy with anticipation as I walk past my colleagues, who exchange knowing glances. They understand the weight of this moment too.

As I approach Randy's office, I catch a glimpse of who I think maybe be Mr. Richardson through the slightly ajar door. I couldn't say for sure if it was the new investor or not, as I had never met the man. This man exudes an aura of authority and confidence, effortlessly commanding attention from everyone in the room. My nerves intensify, but I steel myself and knock on the door.

"Come in," Randy's voice calls from within.

I enter the room, carefully balancing a stack of important documents in my arms. The atmosphere is serious and formal, with a handsome man sitting at one end of the long conference table, intently studying a set of blueprints in front of him. Randy stands next to him, his usual composed expression never faltering.

"Ah, there you are," Randy greets me, motioning for me to join them. "This is Eriola, our lead architect. Eriola, this is Jonathan Covington from Covington Hotel Group."

I offer my hand to Mr. Covington, trying my best to appear calm despite my racing heart. "It's a pleasure to meet you, Mr. Covington," I say sincerely with a smile.

He briefly looks up from his papers, his eyes showing some interest as he stands up and shakes my hand firmly. "Likewise," he responds smoothly. We hold eye contact for a moment before taking our seats around the table.

A mix of nerves and excitement washes over me as I take in the importance of this meeting with our new client. Randy begins the discussion, outlining the project's goals and our team's dedication to excellence. His words are precise and compelling, emphasizing our unique approach and innovative designs. Mr. Covington listens attentively, nodding occasionally, his expression thoughtful.

When it's my turn to present, I take a deep breath to steady my nerves. Speaking passionately about our vision, I detail the intricate elements that set our design apart. As I continue, I notice Mr. Covington lean forward, his interest visibly piqued. The room's energy shifts, a sign that my words are resonating.

Just as I finish my presentation, Mr. Covington pauses, looking intently at the blueprints before raising his eyes to meet mine. The air is thick with anticipation, and I can feel the weight of the moment pressing down on me. What he says next could change everything.

Hello Readers,

In this episode, Eriola Coleman and her team present their ambitious project to key investor Jonathan Covington. The hour-long meeting is filled with intense discussion and collaboration, with Eriola passionately showcasing innovative designs that could redefine architectural norms.

As the meeting concludes, Mr. Covington leaves with a promise to consider their proposal, leaving the team in hopeful anticipation. Eriola, filled with renewed determination, reflects on the transformative experience, reminded of the potential impact of every encounter.

Stay tuned to see if Mr. Covington's decision will elevate Eriola's career or introduce new challenges. The journey of ambition and growth continues in the next episode.

Happy Reading,

Pagine D'Oro

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