Episode 22: Holden Sterling

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Holden Sterling, CEO of Sterling Grand Hotels Inc

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Holden Sterling, CEO of Sterling Grand Hotels Inc.

6 months later...Evergreen Valley, North Dakota


Here I am, stuck in yet another infuriating board meeting surrounded by incompetent colleagues. Our general manager stands to show us a graph depicting the significant decrease in our customer retention rates. Caroline Mitchell, a seasoned 45-year-old woman who has been with our company for over 15 years, is an excellent and efficient employee. She oversees all of our hotel operations, ensuring top-notch standards and guest satisfaction.

Caroline lets out a heavy sigh before addressing the room, "We have noticed a significant decrease in both customer retention and stays. It is imperative that we come up with a strategy to win back our clientele."

I exhale slowly and brush my hand through my beard, feeling my frustration rise. "What the hell is going on? Why are we losing customers and seeing a decline in stays?" I snap at my employees, scanning their faces for answers. But no one speaks up. I can't believe I didn't notice this sooner."

I turn to Caroline with pleading eyes. "Please, just give me a solution," I plead, frustration evident in my voice. Our company is worth billions and has hotels all over the world, yet this one location is causing us millions of dollars in losses. My younger brothers, Alexander Sterling at 35 years old and head of technology, and Nicholas Sterling at 32 years old and head of design and architecture, look at me with concern as I beg for someone to provide an answer.

Caroline, our general manager, gulps and timidly suggests, "Sir, we could try organizing an extravagant event or festival to attract new customers and entice them to stay longer. We could offer special packages and discounts, maybe even invite some social media influencer to spread the word about our hotel."

I laughed at the suggestion of using "influencers" to boost our sales. "Sure, go ahead and try it. But remember, if our revenue doesn't increase by 20% in the next quarter, there will be repercussions for everyone involved." Looking at Sophie, I suggested that she and Caroline, as the Events Coordinator and Marketing Manager respectively, collaborate on a campaign.

At 29 years old, Sophia Lee is our trusted events coordinator with over 6 years of experience. She manages and organizes all events for our prestigious clients with meticulous attention to detail. With a single nod, she accepted the task and stood up to leave the room. "I'll get right on it, sir," she said before exiting the room.

I stood up, ready to leave, but Caroline's hand shot up again before I could make my way out. "What now, Caroline?" I grumbled, feeling frustrated with her persistent questions. Sinking back into my seat, I braced myself for whatever she was about to say.

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